Sharing with you a range of COVID Protocols to support your health & wellbeing. These protocols are NOT a replacement for professional medical advice and are provided for educational purposes only. We highly recommend you seek the advice of your health practitioner BEFORE embarking on any protocols.
Over the last 2 years I have been sharing a myriad of COVID Protocols to help our community members to build a resilient immune system (prophylactic), as well as suggested protocols should you contract COVID and choose to treat your flu at home, including protocols should you choose to have the jab. I have shared many immune boosting protocols both within these Health Freedom Resources, in detail within my LIGHTRITION Course, and most recently within my PREPPING: The Essentials Video Series.
Please find below a great summary of my own COVID Protocol, and further down the page please find many other Protocols from around the world. I have also included up-to-date information on Ivermectin - Studies, Scientific Rationale, including an overview video too.
May these resources support your own research, and support critical discussion with your personal medical health professional. And may these resources help you flourish and deepen your connection with your own—
Prophylactic Protocol
The following Protocol is to be followed to boost immunity + prevent/reduce COVID infection (the Flu). If you have chosen to get the jab, I recommend you also follow this protocol in the two weeks+ lead-up to taking the Jab. Doses are to be varied based upon your nutritional status, health status, risk-group, and exposure levels. You may consider having blood samples taken by your health professional to assess your nutritional needs/deficiencies.
Please watch the video at the bottom of this page for a detailed discussion of Ivermectin.
- Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day (before bed)
- Melatonin 5mg 1 time a day (before bed)
- Vitamin C 1000mg-2000mg 2 times a day
- Vitamin D3 5000iu 1 time a day (take higher 10,000 iu if blood levels low)
- Quercetin 500mg 2 times a day
- NAC (N-acetylcysteine) 600mg 2 times a day
- Quercetin 500mg 2 times a day (+ citrus fruit, onions & capers)
- Curcumin 1000mg 2 times a day
- Zeolite drops or Colloidal minerals with Fulvic & Humic Acid or consider Ion Gut Health
Ivermectin - Dose 6.0mg per 30kg of body weight, taken 1 to 2 times per week. Consuming good quality fats at the time of taking Ivermectin increases its bioavailability by 2.5x.
- Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia Annua) - Ivermectin has been criminally outlawed in Australia, even though research & evidence proves its efficacy. Ivermectin is derived from Wormwood, and studies have shown that the herb inhibits the replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and two of its recent variants. You may wish to consider using the herb Wormwood.
- PLUS Refer to my Lightritional Protocols further down the page.
Treatment Protocol
The following Protocol is to be followed should you fall ill or test positive for COVID, the flu. I also recommend this protocol to be commenced on the first day of your jab and continued for 2-4+ weeks.
Please watch the video at the bottom of this page for a detailed discussion of Ivermectin.
- Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 time a day (before bed)
- Melatonin 5mg 1 time a day (before bed)
- Vitamin C 1000mg-2000mg every 1-2 hours (reduce dose when start to get diarrhoea or increase dose if no diarrhoea)
- Vitamin D3 10,000iu 1 time a day
- Quercetin 500mg 2 times a day
- NAC (N-acetylcysteine) 600mg 2 times a day
- Quercetin 500mg 2 times a day (+ citrus fruit, onions & capers)
- Curcumin 1000mg 2 times a day
- Zeolite drops or Colloidal minerals with Fulvic & Humic Acid or consider Ion Gut Health
Ivermectin - 0.6mg to 1mg per kg of body weight per day for first 5-10 days (dose can be higher up to 2mg per kg of body weight based upon symptoms). Fatty food increases its bioavailability by 2.5x.
- Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia Annua) - Ivermectin has been criminally outlawed in Australia, even though research & evidence proves its efficacy. Ivermectin is derived from Wormwood, and studies have shown that the herb inhibits the replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and two of its recent variants. You may wish to consider using the herb Wormwood.
- PLUS Refer to my Lightritional Protocols further down the page.
Lightritional Protocols
Wellness is so much more than the lack of dis-ease, it is a lifelong process of living in harmonic balance with an ever changing environment. It means self-responsibility. Learning. Growing. Intuitively connecting with nature, the world around you. Embarking on radical self-love and self-care practices that keep you in sync with life itself.
Please view my LIGHTRITION wellness protocols further down this page.
What is Ivermectin ?
My Protocols above, including the Global Protocols below, all include Ivermectin as part of the Health plans.
Per Australian Dr Mark Hobart (who has now been deregistered), taking Ivermectin with fatty food increases its bioavailability by 2.5x. Dr Mark Hobart was one of 30 doctors who treated 600 COVID patients over several months or so with Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol - with no deaths, only 5 hospitalisations and no side effects. In contrast, there were 6 deaths and 70 hospitalisations in a similar group of untreated COVID patients.
In Australia, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australia officially banned the prescribing of ivermectin for COVID-19 or any other use besides parasitic infections. The three reasons given for the TGA's decision were as shocking as they were revealing. Read the commentary on the TGA's reasoning here.
To learn more about Ivermectin, I recommend that you watch the enlightening video below. Director Adrian Ursu travels back in time to share the facts about its natural origins and how it earned the name, “The Wonder Drug.”
Please also read more about Ivermectin, including studies & scientific rationales.:
COVID-19 Global Protocols
Sharing with you a range of Preventative & Treatment Protocol for COVID19 from around the world. Thank you to BiRD (British Ivermectin Recommendation Development), for collating these resources.
For a deeper insight into the efficacy of Ivermectin, please visit FLCC (Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance) for studies & scientific rationale.
Please also refer to the video about Ivermectin further up this page.
LIGHTrition Protocols
Wellness is so much more than the lack of dis-ease, it is a lifelong process of living in harmonic balance with an ever changing environment. It means self-responsibility. Learning. Growing. Intuitively connecting with nature, the world around you. Embarking on radical self-love and self-care practices that keep you in sync with life itself.
And what helps bring the body into balance with the natural world and enhance wellness you may ask?
The answer is Lightrition. Lightrition is the holistic life-experience of soufully being human. Nourishing your body in symbiotic resonance with natures cycles. Cultivating a fresh & vibrant relationship of breathing/eating/dreaming/& working in accordance with the same patterns found in the natural world.
Breathing fresh air from a variety of natural environments. Breathing the pathogenic biome of the planet to help flourish the immune-enhancing micro-biome of the human body. Masks deplete immunity in Terrain Theory. Bare feet upon the Earth. Grounding. Lying on the Earth to absorb frequencies.
Touching, hugging, kissing, belly laughing, dancing, playing socialising… all of these are life-giving qualities that ensure exposure to pathogens (bacteria, fungi & viruses) are maximised for immune health. Not to mention the psycho-spiritual elements of immunity through connection. Social (I prefer the word physical) distancing destroys the fabric of who we are. We are wired for connection, and without it we gradually wither and die.
Spending as many hours each day in the Sun (preferably with as much skin exposure as possible) is essential for Vit D and immunity. No Vit D capsule can replicate the INTELLIGENCE of Light received directly from the Sun. Consuming foods that are nutrient dense & as close to nature as possible. Drinking water free of contaminants such as fluoride. Limiting exposure to blue-light, fluorescent light and sleeping in sync with our solar/lunar/planetary cycles all boost immunity and help humans to thrive in reciprocity with pathogens. Deep regenerative sleep. Be inspired by possibility rather than having your power diminished through fear. And importantly, connecting with the natural biorhythmic energy waves of nature/our planet, away from artificial mm waves of 5G, or lifeforce depleting smartmeters & wifi.
Sharing with you below a number of Hands & Heart Lightrition Protocols that are easy, nourishing & soufulling engaging for your health.
If you would like to learn more and engage more deeply with Lightrition, please visit our Lightrition Course Information page.
My Harmonic Chai Tea contains three ingredients that contain Shikimic Acid, namely Star Anise, Fennel Seeds & Dandelion, helping the body to find it’s harmonic balance with Spike Proteins.
Fire Cider Lightrition
Fire Cider is a mix of Apple Cider Vinegar + Medicinal Foods… all fermented together over many weeks. The end product is a vibrant medicinal menagerie that aids digestion, supports immunity, is alkalising to the body and help alleviates congestion, inflammation & toxicity.
Kombucha Lightrition
As discussed in our LIGHTRITION Course, 80% of your Immunity resides in your gut. Brew your own Lightrition Kombucha for Body, Mind & Soul vitality.
Sauerkraut Lightrition
As discussed in our LIGHTRITION Course, 80% of your Immunity resides in your gut. Make your own Lightrition Sauerkraut for Body, Mind & Soul vitality.
Honey Lightrition
Bee’s are part of the evolutionary fabric of Heart Consciousness, and honey is a living medicinal prayer. Sharing my recent experience of Bee’s, the wisdom held within Honey, & a greater understand of Humanity’s Great Awakening.
JuJu Remedy Lightrition
Apart from boosting LIBIDO, elevating MOOD & reducing Menopausal symptoms, my JuJu Remedy also supports the immune system, helping to ward off sore throats, colds & flu’s !!!
Immune Nourishment
In loving reverence of LIFE, there is so much that you can do in keeping your body temple radiantly light-filled in order to nourish your body, mind & spirit and build a strong & resilient immune system.
Shikimate Herbs
Medicinal herbs & foods high in shikimates (to support the body re spike proteins).
- Schizandra Berry (high in shikimate)
- St. John’s Wort (shikimate is found throughout the entire plant and in the flowers)
- Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate)
- Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)
- Gingko Biloba Leaf (rich in shikimate)
- Giant Hyssop or Horsemint (Agastacheurtifolia) (rich in shikimate)
Quercetin Foods
Medicinal herbs & foods high in Hesperidin/Quercetin (to support the body re spike proteins).
- Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content — hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein)
- Peppermint (very high in hesperidin)
- Wheatgrass and wheatgrass juice (blades are high in shikimate)
- Carrot Juice (shikimate)
- Fava Beans (high in L-dopa)
- Onions (Quercetin)
- Capers (Quercetin)
If you have the flu, or chest cold, this is a great recipe to make your own Quinine. Dose the following tea at 1 tablespoon every couple of hours to bring up phlegm from your lungs. Discontinue as you feel better. If you also dose with Zinc supplement, the Zinc propels the Quinine into your cells for a much faster healing.
Take the rind (peel) of 2-3 Lemons and 2-3 Grapefruits.
Put the peels into saucepan and cover with water to about 3 inches above peels
Preferrably put glass lid on saucepan & let simmer for 2 hours
DO NOT take the lid off the pot till it cools completely (otherwise quinine will escape in the steam).
Mineral Therapy
In addition to Zeolite Drops or Colloidal Minerals discussed in the Protocols above, there are many other ways of energetically supporting the body with Crystalline Minera.s
Consider wearing Apophyllite (a Zeolite). You could even make your own Apophyllite Essence to take daily [I teach this in Crystal Light Healing® Level I]. Or even consider my Archangel Raphael Vibrational Essence
Consider wearing the crystals Hematite or BlackTourmaline to help protect the body & detox Spike Proteins. You could even make your own Hematite/BlackTourmaline Essence to take daily [I teach this in Crystal Light Healing® Level I]. Or even consider my Archangel Azrael Vibrational Essence
Learn how embrace the wisdom of the Mineral Realm in Lightrition your Life.