Essence of Angels®
12 Guided Meditations
+ Angelic Meditations CD
+ Archangel Handbook
(download Bundle Package)


Purchase Simone’s Essence of Angels® 12 x Meditation MP3’s  to support you in your journey of embracing the Archangels of Creation from within ♡   PLUS on purchase of the 12 x Meditation package you receive Simone’s Angelic Meditation CD tracks for FREE !  

Over the last couple of decades, many of our Essence of Angels® Students, Practitioners & Teachers have requested recorded meditations that engage the Sacred Templates of each of the Archangels of Creation through us.

Simone M. Matthews, the founder of Essence of Angels®, has now recorded 12 Meditations & put together this Guided Meditation Package.   Please note that this Guided Meditation Package is NOT a Course, and is NOT the Essence of Angels® Course, but rather is a comprehensive package of wisdoms to further expand your Essence of Angels® studies, or to use the Meditations for your own personal healing journey.


What is included within this package ?

When you enrol in this Guided Meditation Package, you receive instant access to our ONLINE Guided Meditation Dashboard where you access the following:

  • 12 x Guided Archangel Meditations (for the Archangels of Creation through Metatron’s Cube)
  • 12 x Downloadable Set of Notes to support each Meditation (which create your Archangel Handbook)
  • Downloadable Angelic Meditations CD for FREE (to accompany your meditations or healing work)


Who would benefit from these Archangel Meditations ?

During each meditation (Meditations 1 to 12), Simone experientially guides and supports you to embrace each individual Archangel from within to heal yourself from dis-ease, bring forgiveness to the past, to know you are worthy to be this divine LIGHT of Source from within and to empower you to find and live your Soul Purpose with joy and graceful ease.

Whether you are a novice, have years of experience working with Crystals / Archangels, or are a holistic health professional, these 12 Archangel Meditations will take your personal / professional growth to the next level as you master the divine elemental templates of Creation from within, the ‘Archangels’.


Do I need to purchase the Essence of Angels ?

ULT-Shop-EoA-Box-Set3The Essence of Angels Boxed Set of 12 Essences (+ 2 bonus Essences) are Sacred Liquid Light Templates created through conscious design.

These Sacred Liquid Light Templates are major facilitators of change, helping you to transcend the limiting beliefs of our physical world and open your heart & mind to the miracles that are created through the magick of imagination and the power of Soul-Hearted living.

The Essence of Angels® Essences have helped thousands of people around the world open their hearts and heal their lives from the inside-out.

During the 12 Meditations facilitated by Simone you are invited to use each of the 12 Essences (1 for each Meditation) to experience a most sacred and awakened level enlightenment through the Essence of the Archangels of Creation from within. However, please note that it is NOT essential to use the Essences in order to connect with or embrace the energy of each Meditation, the Essences are only highly recommended.

If you would like to read more about the Essence of Angels® Boxed Set of 12 Essences please view the product within our eShop.


What is covered in each Meditation ?

During each Meditation Simone guides you on embracing the Archangel from within, and support you in healing the physical/emotional/mental and evolve into the highest expression of your Soul Potential.

PLUS with each Audio Meditation, Simone shares a number of other resources, strategies and ancient wisdoms to further deepen your connection with Spirit and step into the beauty of living your life as a Divine Human ♡  These resources maybe downloaded and printed to form your very own ‘Archangel Meditation Handbook’… a great reference manual for future reference.

The table below provides a summary of the energy and sacred potential of embracing each Archangel of Creation from within. Each Archangel Meditation will focus on this energy to support your Sacred Connection with each Archangel through you.



ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-AzraelMEDITATION 1:
Archangel Azrael
Earth Star

o All Life Transitions
o New Beginnings
o Major life stages 0-7yrs, 7-14 yrs, 14-21 yrs etc..
o Birth, Toddler, Childhood, Teens, Adult, Marriage, Parenthood, Retiring, Death
o Career Transitions
o Relationship Transitions
o Death Transitions (Carer & Person crossing over)
o Transcending old patterns
o Forgiveness
o Birthing new projects
o Soul Anchoring (de-fragmentation)
o Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual dis-eases associated with the Base Chakra.
o DNA Activation & Attunement


ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-JophielMEDITATION 2:
Archangel Jophiel
Base Chakra

o Creating beauty in every aspect of your life
o Releasing fear, anxiety & worry – aligning with Love
o Artists – stimulating all creative endeavours
o Understanding our role as co-creators, hence taking self responsibility and ‘mentally’ creating our own realities
o Understanding less is more and slower is faster, hence acknowledging a state of being rather than doing
o Bladder, Kidney and all lowerspine dis-eases
o Reminding us to have fun, play & enjoy life. We must stop & hear the music
o Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual dis-eases associated with the Base Chakra.
o DNA Activation & Attunement


ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-HanielMEDITATION 3:
Archangel Haniel Essence
Sacral Chakra

o Aligning with Lunar Cycles, Celestial energies and the Goddess Archetype
o Increasing intuitive ‘feeling’ and psychic abilities
o Increasing fertility and hormonal balance
o Increasing feminine creativity, bringing harmony & grace into our lives
o Uterine, fallopian tubes, ovaries, prostate dis-ease
o Releasing need for control, hence addictions
o Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual dis-eases associated with the Sacral Chakra.
o Activation & Attunement DNA


ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-MichaelMEDITATION 4:
Archangel Michael Essence
Solar Plexus

o Clearing & Protection – physically, emotionally & spiritually
o Strength, Truth,Courage & Conviction
o Embrace your self worth KNOW you are good enough
o Connect with the Divine Masculine and the field of all knowing
o Align with Divine Will to understand and fulfil your life purpose
o Digestive, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas & Spleen dis-ease
o Protects & guides the ‘new children’ & sensitives
o Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual dis-eases associated with the Solar Plexus.
o Activation & Attunement DNA


ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-ChamuelMEDITATION 5:
Archangel Chamuel Essence
Heart Chakra

o Unconditional Love & Gratitude
o Forgiveness & compassion for self & others
o Opening of the Heart to LOVE & be LOVED
o Releasing fear, worry & stress
o Building/healing relationships, finding your Twin Flame
o Lung, Heart, Circulation, Thyroid & ParaThyroid dis-ease
o World healing & peace
o Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual dis-eases associated with the Heart Chakra
o Activation & Attunement DNA.


ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-ZadzielMEDITATION 6:
Archangel Zadkiel Essence
Throat Chakra

o Compassion & Love of Self & Others
o Forgiveness of Self & Others
o Transformation & Transmutation
o Speaking your Truth, Divine Truth – being ‘impeccable’ with your word
o Listening & Stillness – being the ‘space’ between the words
o Enhancing psychic communications – clairvoyance, channelling, mediumship
o Diplomacy & tolerance
o Throat, vocal cords, tonsils, lymphatic dis-ease
o Creative manifestation through aligning the Heart & Mind
o Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual dis-eases associated with the Throat Chakra
o DNA Activation & Attunement


ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-RaphaelMEDITATION 7:
Archangel Raphael Essence
Third Eye Chakra

o Multi-dimensional healing – past, present & future
o Removing lower vibrations, attachments/implants and re-weaving our Crystalline Matrixes with cosmic ‘green ray’ healing light
o Opening our intuitive abilities – and receiving guidance for healing/medical intuition
o Work with Nature Devas, and healing animals
o Awakening Pineal Gland & Golden Crown Diamond
o Guidance on working with all Earth elements (eg herbs, crystals etc.) for healing
o Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual dis-eases associated with the Third Eye Chakra
o Activation & Attunement DNA


ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-GabrielMEDITATION 8:
Archangel Gabriel Essence
Crown Chakra

o Strength & Clarity about your life purpose and/or next steps
o Creativity & communication – written, verbal, art etc..
o Fertility & Hormonal Balance (use with Haniel)
o Migraines, Headaches – all cephalic (head) dis-ease
o Purification of lower vibrations emotions/thoughts
o Joy, happiness, synchronicity
o Connection Higher Wisdom (Spiritual to Physical)
o Claircognizance and joyful Soul expression
o Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual dis-eases associated with the Crown Chakra
o Activation & Attunement DNA.


ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-RazielMEDITATION 9:
Archangel Raziel Essence
Soul Star (5D)

o Channelling Divine Wisdoms
o Accessing the Akashic Records
o Embrace 5D Soul Potential
o Awaken to 5D Soul Potential – telekinesis, teleportation, bi-location, levitation, astral travel etc
o Understand Universal Laws, manifestation & alchemy
o Soul Purpose Review, Spiritual / Sacred Contracts
o Understand esoteric principles or texts
o Soul Evolution
o Activation & Attunement DNA.


ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-JeremielMEDITATION 10:
Archangel Jeremiel Essence
Stellar Gateway (6D – Pleiades)

o Accessing the Akashic Records – viewing past lives
o Stimulate visions, dreams and conscious memory recall
o Stimulate spiritual quest for growth and unification
o Rebirthing, Sacred Connection with the Divine Feminine, Pleiades
o Re-Remembering Ancient Lemuria
o Creation & Manifestation of a new reality ie putting our visions & dreams into action
o Inter-dimensional Travel
o Activation & Attunement DNA


ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-UrielMEDITATION 11:
Archangel Uriel Essence
Universal Gateway (7D – Sirius)

o Alchemy, understanding & working with Universal Laws
o Problem solving, lateral thinking, creative pursuits
o All mental functions – learning, study, memory
o Grounding our light body to Earth
o Rebirthing, Sacred Connection with the Divine Masculine
o Awakening to the 7D frequency of Sirius
o Connection with Dolphin Wisdom
o Re-Remembering Ancient Atlantis & Ancient Egypt
o Accessing Akashic Records – future potentialities
o Averting/downgrading/healing natural disasters
o Activation & Attunement DNA


ULT-Shop-EoA-Archangel-Metatron-SandalphonMEDITATION 12:
Archangel Metatron & Sandalphon Essence
Cosmic Gateway (8D – Galactic Heart)
Earth Gateway (1D – Earth Heart)

o Ascension – activating our DNA Light codes & resonation to their highest level of attunement
o Resonating at the highest vibration of our Soul Purpose
o Grounding celestial energies, creating a Heaven here on Earth
o Galactic Heart Breathing, awakening your Heart to the Galactic Heart & Earth’s Heart – beating & breathing together as the ONE HEART of the Creation through the Cosmic Breath of LOVE.







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