What’s Real? What’s Illusion?

What’s Real? What’s Illusion?

I love the mystery of life.  The unknown.  The sheer delight of experiencing each and every moment with curiosity & wonderment.  It is a deeply vulnerable way to live, but also a most rewarding tenure of Soul having a Human experience.  

I was reminded of this great quote this week by American Poet Walt Whitman, ‘Be Curious, not judgemental’.  Such simple words, yet a powerful motto to live your life by. 


Curiosity enables you to open your mind to possibilities, and gives permission for your Heart to feel with wild abandon, no boundaries.   Judgement on the other hand keeps you enclosed in the cage of your mind, dancing with your experiences of the past, creating an endless sea of ground-hog day experiences.   When in judgement, you can’t conceive of an alternate truth/solution, as you numb yourself to possibility.  

When we are curious, we allow the mystery of life to enter our lives.  We also allow ourselves the space to critically analyse situations without jumping to conclusions.  And we gift ourselves the opportunity to observe others with a sense of inquisitiveness & intrigue.


Curiosity & Reality

I love this video of our Baci [puppy Toller] captured a couple of weeks ago.  

Baci was captivated by drops of water that appeared from her vantage point of ‘leaping out of the ground’.  She started growling, prancing around and digging into the Earth, doing everything a 13 week old puppy knows how to do in order to find the source of the drops.

Of course from our adult-human vantage point, we could see that these ‘drops sprouting form the Earth’ were in fact created from drips coming off the roof that would hit the ground and bounce up in the air.Watching Baci dig deep into the soil to try and find the source of the leaping drops, had me reflect on how to navigate this moment.

When we look outside of ourselves and become the observer of life, with curiosity we open our awareness to possibilities. Rather than getting bogged down in what we THINK we know, or dig our heels in on our self-righteous ‘right’ beliefs, approaching situations with curiosity enables us to view the world from a higher vantage point.  

And from that place we may discover things that we never thought possible. We may in fact discover a much more grander truth.   A reality that breaks free from the illusion. I wonder how many people spend their entire life watching ‘drops jump out of the Earth’ and believe this to be life’s reality ?   Never questioning.  Never considering if this is true?  Just accepting it is fact because ‘this is what they see’ as reality.



Media’s Illusion

If we always believe what we see in front of us without curiously questioning, then how do we learn?  How do we grow?  How do we ascertain fact from fiction?  How do we know what is real & what is an illusion?

This week the Australian Government [spending millions of taxpayer monies] released an advertisement to coerce it’s citizens to get the jab.  The video was harrowing, and emotionally triggering.   If it reminded you of the HIV Grim Reaper advertisment of the 1980’s you are not alone, the creator of that advert thought this ‘women gasping for air advert’ was a great compelling piece of advertising to push people into action.   You may also like to read this Miss Representation commentary here.

All was not lost however.  The video below is of Dr Peter McCullough bringing some sanity back to moment, and offering a different commentary.  It can be so easy to get drawn into the fear of advertising, media, governments and ‘pandemics’… yet when you curiously look at the facts, you may find that things don’t just add up.

The second video below was created by PeopleforSafeVaccines, highlighting the published numbers for COVID Vaccine Injury & Death.




Whilst I don’t really consider the Queensland Courier Mail to be an authoritative source of news (but then again, are ANY main stream newspapers news worthy of late???), it is obvious to me from a place of curiosity that Medical Coercion is being blatantly flaunted.   Just like we have seen elsewhere in the world, there is talk of our own ‘Million dollar vaccine lottery’. 

Curiosity & a little research

In the video below, Whitney Webb gives Testimony to lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer Viviane Fischer and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg about Jeffrey Epstein relationship to Bill Gates, shareholding governments in the vaccine business, transhumanism, the military engagement in the pandemic and much more.

It’s interesting where a little curiosity takes you, and a passion to view a situation/person from a different vantage point.  Maybe if our mainstream journalists took the time to do half the work that Whitney Webb has accomplished, people would be empowered to discover a greater truth?

But maybe that is what this COVID moment calls for, for us to step up and take self-responsibility for ourselves. 



And more Curiosity…

In the video below, Dr Peter McCullough gives Testimony to lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich, & team.   Listen to his comments on Bio-Terrorism, what does your curiosity say to you ?



Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine
Board Certified Internist and Cardiologist
President Cardiorenal Society of America
Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine
Editor-in-Chief, Cardiorenal Medicine
Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology
For more information about Dr. McCullough heartplace.com/dr-peter-a-mccullough


A Walk into the mystery…

With your curiosity hat on, enjoy the ride this video takes you on… turning the modern day notion of virology on its head.

This video is not for everyone, but I if you are ready to move out of your comfort zone and contemplate life from a completely different place of observation (or dare I say dimension), then this video is for you!


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