Truth makes all things Beautiful

I love to approach life with curiosity & wonderment.  Questioning everything.  Ruminating on every morsel of life experience, from the deepest states of sorrow, the flutter of a butterfly, to the sheer magickal intelligence of a seed sprouting.   If everything in creation was birthed through grand design (divinity), then that would mean nothing in life […]

Dr Reiner Fuellmich – Grand Jury Trial

In 2020, Dr Reiner Fuellmich announced to the world that he, along side a team of Lawyers Globally, were initiating legal action against this ‘Corona Scandal’    You can listen to his announcement here. Since that time The Corona Committee (cofounded by Dr Fuellmich) has conducted live, multi-hour sessions to investigate why federal and state governments imposed […]

Breaking the Spell

Some people See It.  The complete destruction of human rights, despotic medical apartheid, and a world where humans are simply hackable capital at the mercy of those ushering in The Great Reset (or the 5 min version).   The people who truly see it are NOT trapped in the Spell, they are are doing everything in […]

Digital Identity – New World Order

This is one of my most IMPORTANT Blog posts this year.  Whether you live here in Australia, or internationally, this topic is affecting us ALL. In a way it seems quite surreal.  Digital Identity is being sold to us as a great advancement in modern day living ‘life will become so much easier’ Governments & […]

You DO NOT have authority to Brand Me

Deep within my Heart there is an inherent knowing I am born of the Divine, and my Soul is FREE.    When faced with a choice between a man-made-law-or-mandate, and the Law [Lore] of God, I will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS choose God.  No amount of coercion, monetary incentives, shaming, or abuse could ever […]

#ReclaimTheLine – 1st October 2021

On Friday October 1st,  I am joining thousands upon thousands of Australians at 11am, in their United Stand to #ReclaimTheLine. Police, Paramedics, Fire & Rescue, Nurses, Teacher, Early Childhood Educators & Health Care Workers are coming together in every capital city (plus regional locations) in a SILENT & PEACEFUL gathering.   The aim is to put […]

2030 Unmasked + Being a LIGHT within the Darkness

2030 Unmasked is a comprehensive documentary covering everything from COVID, Variants, Masks, Vaccines – all seen within the bigger picture of changes within the banking system and the Great reset.    I have shared 2030 Unmasked Documentary below, not just because it is a great overview, but because from 1:49:38 minutes onwards it moves into […]

The Energy Crunch – Impact on your Family

I have been talking about this in depth within my Humanity Rising Series – PREPPING: The Essentials course.  The importance for taking responsibility for our energy needs, and what you can do to ensure that you, our family, your community have the capacity for resiliency.    I highly recommend that you join our Prepping Course, […]

Australian’s Say NO to Forced Vaccination

What is happening in Australia right now can only be described as a medical apartheid, where basic human rights are being removed on the basis of a person’s vaccination status. This discriminatory treatment is deeply divisive and traumatic for many, especially those who are being coerced or forced to be vaccinated, by threats of job […]

The Voices of People Rising – Doctors, Vaccine Injured, Nurses – New World Order ?

Giving a voice to the voiceless, the silenced, and the story of the Covidian Cult.   United we stand, divided we fall! In Peace and Solidarity, Australians Say No!   Dr Matthew Shelton – The cult of SCIENTISM & COVID19 Dr Matthew Shelton is part of the NZ group NZ Doctor’s Speaking out with Science. On […]

COVID Protocols – Prophylactic & Treatment

COVID Treaments pre-post Jab, including how to strengthen your immune system, and balance Spike Protein Transmission.

Science Stands Up – Expert Findings on the Global Experience of COVID19

Contributors to the #ScienceStandsUp Campaign, include almost 200 experts from varying fields in Philosophy, Sociology, Economics, Medical Specialists,  BioTech, Legal, Physics, Mathematics, Psychology, Microbiology, Epidemiology, Chemistry, Political Science & Behavioural Neurobiology. The #ScienceStandsUp Campaign was initiated by the Corona Committee [Dr Reiner Fuellmich].   The Corona Committee was founded in June 2020 on the initiative of four […]

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