TOTAL Lunar Eclipse – Uprising of Feminine Wisdom


TOTAL Lunar Eclipse – Uprising of Feminine Wisdom

There is a powerfully reverent uprising of FEMININE energy during this weeks last Lunar Eclipse for 2018. A letting go of out-moded roles/labels that have been applied to women in the past, leading to a nourishing, profoundly transformational, mystically creative & intelligent wisdom…. a NEW STORY of the Feminine.

This weeks Lunar Eclipse will be the LONGEST Total Lunar Eclipse of the 21st Century – spanning 103 minutes –  this coming Friday/Saturday  July 27/28, 2018.   PLUS during our Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, as the Earth moves between the Sun & the Moon (hence the Sun, Earth & Moon align), the Sun will be conjunct Pallas and the Moon will be conjunct Mars at the Lunar South Node. 

What a spectacularly powerful energetic alignment as we continue our 2018 theme of awakening a deeper insight into the Divine Feminine.   Sharing with you my thoughts…. or if you are short for time today, scan down to the SUMMARY toward the bottom of this page.

UPDATE:  28 July 2018

I woke up early on the morning Eclipse, to watch our Moon transition into her FULL Blood Red Eclipse magnificence.  Here is the photo I snapped on my phone…


Gentle, nurturing, feminine yet such a fierce & transformative grace oozed from this mornings Lunar Eclipse. Mars was warrior like, cheering the Moon on & supporting her flourishing of grandness. I captured this photo on my phone 1 minute into TOTALITY. Breathtaking beauty, wild & raw emotions. After drinking it all in I curled under my blanket & fell into a meditative sleep… profound dreams & insights taking me/us into our upcoming Solar Eclipse in a couple of weeks time ???????? (PS the energy was waaay more amazing in person, but I did my best to capture on my phone) #lunareclipse #aquariousmoon #shinebrightly #soulmission #lunareclipse2018 #eclipse #bloodmoon #bloodmooneclipse #bloodmoon2018 #solareclipse2018 #lettinggo #surrender #

A post shared by Simone M. Matthews (@simone.m.matthews) on




Moon AQUARIUS (4.450)  &  Sun in LEO (4.450)
Saturday, 28 July 2018 – 6:20 am AEST (Australia)
View times in your City/Country>

Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Sun – now, Identity, consciousness, self-esteem, expression
Aquarius (Air) – humanitarian, determined, individualistic, rebellious, pioneer, independant
Leo (Fire) – leader, affectionate, generous, outgoing, stubborn, authoritative, courageous, warm-hearted


During the AQUARIUS Full Moon, the moon is reflecting the light of the Sun in LEO.

The energy of our July 2018 Full Moon is being taken to a higher level through the following influencing aspects:

  • Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
  • Moon (+ Lunar South Node) in strong conjunct Mars (retrograde)
  • Sun in a weak conjunction with asteroid Pallas (Feminine Wisdom)

The Image Right (click to enlarge) charts some of these major influencing aspects during our July 2018 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.  Sharing below a deeper insight into what we have in store this week… as we lead into a Solar Eclipse in three weeks time.


Full Moon TOTAL Lunar Eclipse

MAXIMUM Eclipse – Saturday, 28 July 2018 – 6:21 am AEST (Australia)

During our July 27-28,2018  TOTAL Lunar Eclipse, the Eclipse with be fully/partially visible from most of Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.
Find the Time/Date in your City of the World > 

Penumbral Eclipse Begins Friday, 27 July, 5:14 pm Saturday, 28 July, 3:14 am
Partial Eclipse Begins Friday, 27 July, 6:24 pm Saturday, 28 July, 4:24 am
Full Eclipse Begins Friday, 27 July, 7:51 pm Saturday, 28 July, 5:30 am
Maximum Eclipse Friday, 27 July, 8:21 pm Saturday, 28 July, 6:21 am
Full Eclipse Ends Friday, 27 July, 9:13 pm Saturday, 28 July, 7:13 am
Partial Eclipse Ends Friday, 27 July, 10:19 pm Saturday, 28 July, 8:19 am
Penumbral Eclipse Ends Friday, 27 July, 11:28 pm Saturday, 28 July, 9:28 am


Total Lunar Eclipse – a deep Emotional Insight…

Our July 27-28 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is a TOTAL Lunar Eclipse, meaning as the Earth passes between the Sun & the Moon, the Earth with block the Suns rays from FULLY reaching the Moon, thus the Moon is fully cast within Earth’s shadow. 

This weeks Lunar Eclipse is the both the second & last Lunar Eclipse of 2018.  The first Lunar Eclipse was on the 31 January 2018.

If the Moon is fully in Earth’s shadow, why then does the Moon appear RED during an Eclipse ? 
The reason the Moon appears RED when it is cast within the shadow of Earth is because of Earth’s atmosphere.  During the alignment of the Sun, Earth & Moon, light from the Sun glimmers through Earth’s atmosphere (atmosphere extends approximately 80km above the Earth) & the green-to-blue light of the visible light spectrum is filtered out, giving way to the deeper orangey-red tones of the spectrum.    This reddish light is then refracted to the surface of the Moon.  Amazing huh!

Energetically during our Total Lunar Eclipse, as the Moon is fully sitting in Earth’s shadow (ie unable to reflect the I AM Light of the Sun), a window opens and we are drawn into ourselves, the part that we don’t show to the world, the emotional and deepest part of our psyche.   The word ECLIPSE comes from the Greek word “ekleipsis” meaning “to abandon, to leave, to vanish” – and that’s exactly what we may experience during a Lunar Eclipse – the desire to surrender and let go of parts of our self that limit our greater potential.

A Lunar Eclipse provides a powerful opportunity to release deep-seated wounds, move beyond old fears and to transcend negative patterns or traits within the shadow self. It is time to ECLIPSE anything that maybe holding you back.   With the Moon in Aquarius during the Eclipse, we will be drawn to recognising within ourselves the ability to LOVE freely without possessiveness or jealously… a universal love of our shared brother/sisterhood.  A humanitarian transcendance of ego… a surrender to an eternal love.

Our July Lunar Eclipse will be the longest Lunar Eclipse this century as the Moon will pass through the central part of the Earth’s shadow (hence increase the duration/period of being in shadow).  Our TOTAL Eclipse will last 103 minutes (4 minutes short of the maximum possible Eclipse time of 107 minutes).   As a partial eclipse both precedes & follows the TOTAL eclipse, the Moon will spend nearly 4 hours crossing through Earths shadow this July 2018.

The LONGER the duration of TOTALITY, the greater amplification or intensity of energy will be felt… which is being taken up a notch again due to the Moons conjunction wit Mars (see below).

On a side note, the shortest Lunar Eclipse this century took place on the 4 April 2015 and lasted just under 5 minutes.  The longest Lunar Eclipse that will take place in the 22nd Century (ie between 2100 & 2199) will take place on June 9-10, 2123 (totality lasting for 106 minutes) and then on June 19-20, 2141 (totality also for 106 minutes).  The shortest will be on July 10-11, 2196 (totality lasting for 4 minutes).


The influence of MOON (& Lunar South Node) conjunct MARS Retrograde

Mars will have a very strong influence on our July Lunar Eclipse, as it conjuncts the Moon at less than 1 degree a part.   Mars is action orientated, a yang masculine vibration, it is a driving force in your life… however under our Eclipse aspect (& considering it is also Retrograde)… it maybe prone to impatience, irritability or angry outbursts.  Watch out for those exploding Volcano’s!

With feelings & emotions being amplified under the Eclipse, if you have repressed anger issues, have experienced sexual violence, or are suppressing a frenzied rage… be wary of the ‘stressed out rubber band breaking’ during our Full Moon eclipse.  As the past makes itself known in the present during the Eclipse, choose instead loving compassion, forgiveness &  ultimately healing.  Be gentle with yourself, use the water element to cool your fiery pain, heal your deepest hurts & resurrect yourself stronger & wiser than before.   See my WHALE video below for more details.

On a VERY interesting note, the Lunar South Node in Aquarius is conjuncting Mars and the Lunar North Node in Leo is just over 1 degree from the Sun during this weeks eclipse   In Aetheric Healing™, the South Node of the Moon represents our PAST (our previous experiences/learnings) and the North Node represents our potential FUTURE, what we are here to learn/grow.

With the South Node in Aquarius & our North Node in Leo, we are being catapulted during our July FULL MOON ECLIPSE to step into & OWN our individual gifts/skills.  To be SEEN.   To follow the passion of our Hearts & ENJOY the ride that is life… all the ups AND the downs.   There is NO HIDING during this eclipse, no running away or detaching yourself from the TRUTH.  No more day-dreaming, .white-washing situations, or spiritual by-passing.  It is time to SHINE, & SHINE ON BRIGHTLY in a big big way!    It is scary as hell being vulnerable, but opening to your Hearts desires & saying YES will ultimately gift you the greatest joy.


The influence of Pallas during our Full Moon TOTAL Lunar Eclipse

Four major asteroids (minor planets), Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta, were discovered within a few years of each other at the beginning of the 19th century, and named for female goddesses in the Roman pantheon. These four asteroids symbolize four different facets of the feminine.  

Pallas represents the wisdom of the female spirit, as the mythology of Pallas Athene would indicate: born from the head of Zeus, and symbolized by the owl and the snake, Pallas Athene was a powerful symbol for independence and wisdom in the ancient mythology.  Pallas did not ally herself with any man, but rather was a strong and warrior-like figure who aided men of good will and whose advice was prized for its intelligence.

Pallas represents FEMININE creative intelligence & ageless wisdom… especially regarding healing & medicinal remedies.   Pallas also represents our relationship to our fathers (or father figures in our lives), areas where our greatest challenges with men can ultimately give birth to our greatest grow & warrior-like wisdom.

On a side note, Cere’s represents modern women, our roles of nurturing / motherhood & our relationship with our Mother (or mothering figures in our life),  Juno represents intimate relationship/partnership  and Vesta represents inner flame of service to the Goddess.

During this weeks Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, the Light of the Sun in Leo is conjuncting asteroid Pallas.  Whilst this is  a weak conjunction… none-the-less I feel that Pallas is still having a strong influence during our Eclipse… continuing our 2018 theme of awakening a deeper insight into the Divine Feminine.

Casting your memory back to my posts from earlier in the year, here are some key transits that are taking our psyches into a deeper exploration of the Feminine:

  • January 1/2, 2018 – Full Moon SuperMoonVenus (Venus the Goddess / Divine Feminine) calling us to into the deeper recesses of our psyche to explore a feminine wisdom, an uprising of a new story of Women.
  • January 31, 2018 – Full Blue Supermoon Lunar EclipseAsteroid Ceres conjunct the Moon (& North Node) in Leo, took us into a deeper plunge into the stories & roles of Women in society… dismantling oppression & embracing a re-wilded freedom of the Feminine.
  • June 27/28, 2018 – Full MoonAsteroid Vesta conjunct the Galactic Centre, The energy of Vesta is the High Priestess who fans the eternal flame of our Hearts, our Homes and hence our global home – crystalline Earth.  Vesta the virginal Priestess (virginal not meaning celibate, but rather not married or belonging to anyone) – guides us towards devotion, to commit to our highest aspirations, our greatest desires and helps us to keep the flames of our passions alight. 

And now on this weeks July 27/28 Full Moon –  Pallas is asking us OWN the mystical & magical part of ourselves that can move mountains.  Whether we are male/female, the Divine Feminine part of us is rising up & ready to flourish through creative intelligence & ageless wisdom.   OWN your inner-warrior, uphold your core values, stand your ground for what you believe in and with fierce grace BELIEVE in YOU, achieve greatness.



Overall Energy of this weeks Lunar Eclipse

There is a powerfully reverent uprising of Feminine energy during this last Lunar Eclipse for 2018.   A letting go of out-moded roles/labels that have been applied to women in the past, leading to a nourishing, profoundly transformational, mystically creative & intelligent wisdom…. a NEW STORY of the Feminine.

Let the past go.  Offer forgiveness to patriarchal oppression.  Don’t let yourself be bound any longer by the old story of injustice & limitation.

This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is calling you to simply let it all fall away and together lets rise up and create a new story of Feminine, a rewilding of what it means to be WOMAN.

There is NO HIDING during this eclipse, no running away or detaching yourself from the TRUTH…   it is time to SHINE, & SHINE ON BRIGHTLY in a big big way!    Proudly, boldly & vibrantly lets rise up the Divine Feminine to new heights of beingness.

PostScript – WHALE Video

Yesterday afternoon we moved into a house by the ocean for the next couple of weeks, whilst our home (& office) is being repaired after our recent flood event (you may recall from a few months ago our big ‘cleanse’).    As we stood on our balcony, looking out to the Ocean, a beautiful Whale greeted us and literally started ‘waving’ to us… as if to say ‘hello, I see you, I love you… you got this, I believe in you’.   Her message felt poignantly strong, yet graceful & reverently gentle.   The water element certainly has been weaving miracles into our lives of late.

I feel this message wasn’t just for my family, but is also for all of us this week as we venture into the this weeks Lunar Eclipse, followed by our Solar Eclipse in mid-August.  

What ever maybe happening in your life this year,  what ever situation you may find yourself in in this moment, what ever challenges maybe presenting them self to you at this time… remember that there is a force of LOVE that believes in you and is conspiring to help you step into greatness.   Let go of what you think this should look like, and let the power of the Feminine open your Heart to a more beautiful & sacred expression of YOU.   Listen to the ‘whale spirit medicine’ this Lunar Eclipse (ANYONE can do this & you don’t need to live by the ocean), and let her guide you to riseup, be bold & come alive to LIFE.

xx Simone M. Matthews


LIVE Workshops, Retreats or learn Online.

Inviting you to join me at one of my upcoming live Workshops or Retreats, or even study online via eCourse… and learn how to embrace the depth of Wisdom that lies within your Heart.  










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