Sharing with you a range of COVID Protocols to support your health & wellbeing. These protocols are NOT a replacement for professional medical advice and are provided for educational purposes only. We highly recommend you seek the advice of your health practitioner BEFORE embarking on any protocols.
Over the last 2 years I have been sharing a myriad of COVID Protocols to help our community members to build a resilient immune system (prophylactic), as well as suggested protocols should you contract COVID and choose to treat your flu at home, including protocols should you choose to have the jab. I have shared many immune boosting protocols both within these Health Freedom Resources, in detail within my LIGHTRITION Course, and most recently within my PREPPING: The Essentials Video Series.
Please find a great summary of my own COVID Protocol, PLUS Protocols from around the world. I have also included up-to-date information on Ivermectin – Studies, Scientific Rationale, including an overview video too.
May these resources support your own research, and support critical discussion with your personal medical health professional. And may these resources help you flourish and deepen your connection with your own personal Soul Story.