Energy of Full Moons & New Moons
On Friday October 1st, I am joining thousands upon thousands of Australians at 11am, in their United Stand to #ReclaimTheLine. Police, Paramedics, Fire & Rescue, Nurses, Teacher, Early Childhood Educators & Health Care Workers are coming together in every capital city (plus regional locations) in a SILENT & PEACEFUL gathering. The aim is to put […]
What is happening in Australia right now can only be described as a medical apartheid, where basic human rights are being removed on the basis of a person’s vaccination status. This discriminatory treatment is deeply divisive and traumatic for many, especially those who are being coerced or forced to be vaccinated, by threats of job […]
‘Necessity is the Mother of Invention‘ is a very old proverb that essentially means people create new things out of need. Looking around the world in this moment, there is most definitely a need.! Like many regions of the world, here in Australia, Vaccine Mandates by industry are rolling out thick and fast. ‘No Jab, […]
History has never looked kindly on politically motivated segregation or discrimination, even (and especially) under the guise of ‘health emergencies‘. Within this crucial moment of Human history, our future depends on THE PEOPLE choosing morality over compliance. This is NOT about being anti-or-pro-jab. And this is NOT about being left-or-right in politics. This is about […]
With Medical Apartheid via Vaccine Passports fast descending on Australia, it is important to know your rights. If you are are being coerced to take the vaccine, or are a Teacher, Police Officer or Health Care worker that will lose your job should you NOT have the jab, sharing below many resources to help you […]
Freedom to me represents the experience of expressing divinity without hindrance. Whether that be hindrance made manifest from my own anxieties or fears, or hindrances imposed by forces/injustices outside of myself. But when you look deeper into that meaning of freedom, you come to realise that we are ALWAYS free. We are always living in […]
So much happens in a week here in Australia at this present time, it is hard to wrap my head around giving an update. Whilst the things I share here tear at my heart, I do know this is all part of the crumbling of world built upon lies, deceit, greed, power & control. That […]
During August 15-31, Meryl Dorey, president of the AVN is opening up the Virtual Vaxxed Bus Tour to COVID injury and death stories only. Message from Meryl… For 2 weeks, I will make myself available 7 days a week to allow you to share what has happened to you or to your loved ones. I […]
Message from Meryl Dorey, President, Australian Vaccination-risks Network Inc: The criminals in our Australian government and the unelected bureaucrats who collude with them to keep this pandemic lie going have now decided that they need to expand their reign of terror. Starting tomorrow, all children from 12 years and up will be targeted with an […]
The COVID Medical Network of Australian Doctors released an OPEN LETTER on Monday August 2, 2021. Raising serious concerns of injury and death from the COVID Jab, and highlighting the availability of alternative treatments, they seek to remind ALL Doctors & Health Professionals of their Oath ‘First do no Harm’. Open Letter Dear Doctor, […]
QR Checkin – Qld, Australia Check In Qld is provided by the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy (also called CHDE) and Queensland Health and the Hospital and Health Services (collectively ‘Queensland Health’) as part of the Queensland Government’s response to a declared public health emergency (COVID-19) under the Public Health Act 2005 (Qld). […]
Face Masks are currently ‘mandatory’ in regions of Australia. However, if you have a disability / medically exempt condition, then lawfully you do not need to wear a face mask AND you are not required to present evidence of your medical exemption. Mask Exemption BadgesPlease note I am not affiliated with this business in any […]
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