Dandelion {coffee} Tea

Winter is peeping it’s head around the corner here in Australia, so I am back to preparing my favourite Dandelion herbal tea decoction… which tastes like coffee ! I know, sounds too good to be true right ?   But really, Dandelion Tea is a delicious coffee alternative, with healing medicinal qualities too. Sharing a little […]

InnSæi : The Power of Intuition

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of watching the movie ‘Innsæi: The Power of Intuition‘. Innsæi (pronouced  Inn-Sigh-Ee) is an Icelandic word that means INTUITION.  The ability to sense/feel from deep within ourselves and perceive the world beyond our logical mind and five senses.  In actual fact, Innsæi has multiple meanings in Icelandic: The […]

Gut Wisdom, Food Alchemy & Lightrition

Juicy big hugs beautiful friends ♥ Thought I’d give you a sneak peak into my kitchen!  I spent my Sunday afternoon indulging in a little food alchemy making some gut friendly treats ahead of our Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – Aug 7/8, 2017. I LOVE playing in the kitchen on a Full Moon, brewing up […]

EARTHING for happiness, health & vitality

A couple of weeks ago my family & I packed the car with all our camping gear and headed north-west for a weeks camping at the Carnarvon Gorge National Park, in Queensland, Australia. In the lead up to our adventure, work had been very busy… and to be perfectly honest I was on the wrong […]

Sacred Money & The Soul of Wealth

As I discussed in my last post, I am embodying a beautiful new vision of my life and our Universal Life Tools community.   I am stepping with WholeHeart beaming a plethora of LOVE to live-work in alignment with Sacred Wealth. When we look at the etymology of the world ‘wealth’ it comes from Old English […]

‘Zinger’ Alkalising Detox Juice

My family and I have just returned home after a whirlwind few days away with extended family. We celebrated birthdays, enjoyed Christmas in July festivities and indulged in lots of earthly yuminess. However, after a weekend of decadence, this morning we all felt a little sluggish and not our perky selves.  You know that feeling.. […]

Heart of the Earth

Take your shoes off right at this moment and stand on the bare Earth.  Allow yourself to be intuitively guided to a place that is perfect for you such as your backyard, the beach, a mountain top or maybe even a rainforest.  Better still tear of all your clothes with reckless abandon (I dare you […]

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