Wisdom of HoneyBees – Their Song & Prayer

With integrity & sacred reverence toward a world more beautiful, where we place our attention of body, mind & soul has the power to unleash a healing force within the world that impregnates a kind, generous & unified future for generations to come. It has been interesting to observe our world over the last 12 […]

Keep Going, Keep Going on 🎶

How are you?  No really, how are you?   In recent weeks I have been feeling a deep grief within my Heart.   My initial reaction to this welling of sorrow was to keep busy, think happy, do light, and not focus on the hurt.  But then that wouldn’t make me human would it?   I […]

Angels walk among us

I’ve been spending a lot of time dreaming of late.  By dreaming, I don’t mean escaping from the ravages of this world in 2020, but rather choosing to place my energy in the direction of a world that oozes Love from every pore.  Nourishing my heart, my mind, my body, my soul with people who […]

What the world needs now…

Last night I watched the movie ‘My Octopus Teacher‘, a beautiful tale of our inter-relationship with the natural world.  An understanding that we don’t exist on this Earth, in fact we are a part of this Earth.  A woven synergy of life itself.  With all the upheaval happening in the world at this moment, I […]

What is your Umwelt ?

German Biologist Jakob von Uexkull coined the term Umwelt to describe our ‘self-centered world’.  Umwelt describes our unique sensory perception of the world, and how this models how we perceive or experience our lives within the world. With all that is happening in the world at this moment, I think reflecting on your Umwelt is […]

Life is a Miracle

I was lying in bed this morning, rain pit-pattering on our roof, birds chirping exuberantly, grateful for my warm cozy bed… and reflecting on the MIRACLE of Life as we come into our 25 July 2020 – Day out of Time. I just looked up the definition of MIRACLE ‘an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention’. […]

5G, Biological Life & Coronaviruses

I have an important piece of published research to share with you… but before I do, let me share something first. Two of the key words that underpin my life are CURIOSITY & WONDERMENT. From that context, life becomes an ever unfolding rose of joyous experience. I do my best to not hold any hard […]

Our Cosmic-Earthly Biome & Com-Immunity

The natural world brings us back to community.  That LIFE flourishes through a harmonically diverse community.  And that we are never alone, but rather an integral part of the inter-connected evolution of Earth & the greater Cosmos. It’s through Earth’s diverse Biome that we feel nourished.  We experience ourselves as part of something much greater […]

The LIGHT of Possibility – LOVE – Gemini New Moon & Goodwill Full Moon

I started writing this post this morning with the intention of sharing my insights into our Sun transiting the Pleiades, combined with many plants in Retrograde, leading up to our Gemini New Moon later in the month, followed by our Goodwill Full Moon in early June 2020.   But just like the mysterious unfolding of life […]

Fermented Fire Cider Tonic – Soulful Immunity

Ever the herbalist, coming into Autumn here in the Southern Hemisphere, I have whipped up a big batch of Fire Cider – my treasured tonic to boost immunity. Now I haven’t traditionally called it Fire Cider (there is a whole other story to that name), but rather my medicinal brew is a derivative of my […]

Moving beyond the VIRAL-INFECTION of the Mind

After posting my article last week CoronaVirus – Immune Nourishment & Resilience, I have been reflecting on human behaviours and peoples panic responses during times of uncertainty. When people’s deepest vulnerabilities have been tapped (thank you media!), we have seen an inordinate flurry of people hitting the supermarket shelves and panic buying toilet paper in […]

Coronavirus – Immune Nourishment & Resilience

With the fever pitched media reporting of the Coronavirus- thought I would shed a little light on this topic… and most importantly share some empowering & nurturing tips that serve your optimal immunity. Each and every day we are bathed in a sea of viruses – more than 800 million viruses are deposited per square […]

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