The HEART: It’s not what you think!

What do you think is the role of the Human Heart ? At the Heart (pun intended!) of my new Lightrition your Life Course, we dive deep into how the Heart plays a central role in our health, longevity, resilience – as well as the KEY ROLE it plays in our spiritual connection with the […]

My St.Valentines Song for You

I know it has been a while since I have posted, so please forgive me!  I have been diving deep into the creation of my new Lightrition Course, as well as helping our youngest child move away from home to start University.  Needless to say it has been quite an emotional month indeed. In celebration, […]

Amazon Fires, a Metaphysical View

There have been record number of fires burning this year in the Amazon, up 84% from this time last year. And as I write this post, there are also catastrophic fires burning in Siberia and fires in Alaska have been burning since April this year. Earth’s forests are carbon sinks- removing carbon dioxide from the […]

Plant Spirit Medicine – Cobblers Pegs Tincture

In my last post I wrote about how for every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure.  I am always opening my heart/mind to discover the healing wisdoms of Plant Spirit Medicine. The amazing thing is, when you let go of what plants you ‘think’ would be perfect […]

For every human illness,
somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure.

Plants amaze me.  When I look at a plant I see a child, a child born of the Earth and nourished through the family of the four elements.  A child with innate intelligence, dancing with the rhythms of life and flourishing through the great cosmic choir. Roots burrow down deep into the Earth, absorbing the […]

3 Minute Meditation – Mindful Breathing

Sharing with you a 3 Minute Meditation Video that I filmed on the beach this morning… a sacred flow of mindful breathing to help bring your awareness back to the present moment. Any time you are feeling a little tense, anxious… or if your mind is overflowing with overwhelming thoughts or constant chatter,  then this […]

My Personal Commitment towards 2040. What’s Yours ?

Since watching 2040 Film, I have been reflecting on what more I can do to be the change in this moment. What further ACTION PLEDGES can I make now, to ripple out a flourishing regenerative Earth by 2040…

3 Kings – January 2019 – Ceremonial Alchemy

I love my home… my little sanctuary where I write, cook with lightrition & spend time just being with family & friends.    Whilst I also love travelling, there is something magical about coming home back to your ‘space’, your little piece of paradise on Earth. For me, keeping my home vibing with good JuJu is […]

Jaboticaba {Vermouth} Syrup

There is something special about this time of year – long summer beach days, salt in your hair, late afternoon thunderstorms & warm balmy nights. Rather than get all caught up in the consumerism of Christmas, I prefer to get busy in the kitchen & make my pressies for family & friends with ‘Hands & […]

Lightrition – Eating in the LIGHT

Lightrition is the holistic nourishment that nature provides for body, mind & spirit.  Or put another way, lightrition is the nutrition of eating (consuming energy) in the LIGHT. Forinstance, plants have an auric field, an energy field that surrounds their cellular matrix.  When you consume any part of a plant, not only are you eating […]

Kombucha – brewed with Crystals

Today I have bottled my fabulous brew of Kombucha… looking forward to a glass or two tonight as I watch the Full Moon rise over the Ocean ahead of tomorrow early-mornings TOTAL Lunar Eclipse. My special brew has an extra zing to it, due to the addition of Quartz Crystal.   Quartz activates the Lightrition qualities […]

JuJu Remedy - Menopause, Libido, Hot Flushes & Immunity - Natural Treatment - Simone Matthews

JuJu Remedy – Menopause, Libido & Immunity

As seen on ‘Medicine or Myth’ TV Show (Episode 2) – Airs Mondays, 8.30pm, SBS Check out this article too on JuJu / Libido / Ginger. My JuJu Remedy is one of THE best natural treatments for MENOPAUSE. JuJu helps to boost LIBIDO, elevates MOOD & reduces HOT FLUSHES. The Remedy also supports the immune […]

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