2020: Universal ‘4’ Year in Numerology

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2020: Universal ‘4’ Year in Numerology

I am writing this blogpost today on the day of our Galactic Alignment, and I have tears in my eyes as I intuitively peak into the year ahead.  2020 is set to be a most extraordinary year… but maybe not in the way you might expect the word extraordinary to play out.

2020 is all about DEVOTION.  The WORK it takes to mindfully live your values through every aspect of your life.  The dedication, committment, responsibility, and enacting of a life’s plan that engages you in the manifestation of your goals.  It is a year of stepping up. Leaping in.  Rising to the occasion.  Of courageously putting one foot in front of the other in the direction of your Heart.  There is no hiding this year.  This call to action is for EVERYONE.  Be ready & willing to accept the invitation the universe is extending to you.

Building solid foundations is the theme for 2020, and in order to stablise that framework a little more cathartic excavation work maybe necessary to ensure the footings will endure for decades to come.  The WORK calls you.  There is much to be done.   2020 is the year of exceptional change in the structures, values, and natures of our modern world and YOU, everyone of us play an important role in bridging this shift into a Universal Humanity.

Background Image Credit: Drew Graham

Numerology of  Universal Year:  2020 = 4

The Universal Year number in numerology is calculated by adding all the digits of the year together to create a single digit.   The Universal Year Number gives insight into the vibrations that are felt globally throughout the year, the energetic landscape that colours the canvas of the world throughout the year. 

The Universal Year number for 2020 is the Number 4    [2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4]

The last time we experienced a Universal 4 Year in Numerology was 9 years ago in 2011… then 9 years before that in 2002, then 9 years before that in 1993, 1984, 1975, 1966 etc…  You may wish to look back on those years in your life, and see if you can see any patterns that relate to a Universal 4 Year vibration for you!

In addition, our 2020 Universal 4 Year takes on an even more powerful presence in our lives as it marks the ending of three major planetary cycles of Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter and the beginning of new 30 year, 12 year & 20 year cycle toward 2040.

The number ‘4’ in numerology is all about structure, foundations, dedication & planning.  Getting REAL about your purpose.   Real about what you are dedicating your life towards.  Getting real about what you serve.   Now if the first thing that came into your head as you read this was YIKES… then keep reading on to find out how to embrace the potential of this amazing year ahead with much grace & ease… this year truly has your back if you let it!


Reflections from 2019, a Universal 3 Year

Last year I wrote about the Numerology of 2019 Universal 3 year,  and shared that 2019 through the 3 vibration was to be a year of playful, visionary, creative & expressive joyfulness.  And if there was one word to explain the meaning of 2019 a Universal 3 Year – I shared how I felt it was the Japanese word  ‘ikigai’ (pronounced ick-ee-guy).    Ikigai is your reason for being, your true nature,  your unique passions, your calling, your purpose – what drives you to do the things that you do in the world & why you do them.   2019 will herald a major shake up within people, a freedom to seek & shine their own personal ‘ikigai’ so collectively we can create a world more beautiful through our Hearts.

Now that we have come to the end of 2019, you maybe thinking ‘well 2019 was certainly NO YEAR OF JOY for me’, or maybe you are glad the year has come to end, a year that was annus horribillisIf these are your thoughts, well rest assured you certainly aren’t alone!

However, before I move on talking about 2020, let me reflect my views on 2019.   If we are to ‘seek & shine our own personal ikigai’, this means rewriting the story that has curtailed or even locked us in a cage and rendered us freedomless.  Joy seeks to be expressed with wild abandon, but if there are shackles curtailing it’s full divinity, well cracks will certainly appear in those areas of your life that are holding back joy.  It’s through the cracks that the lighness of being, the rays of joy can then shine on through.

If your 2019 felt like it was filled with a hell of a lot of cracks (maybe even bloody huge craters)… did you however experience something quite loving from within the tumult?   Did you become aware that beneath the turmoil that was 2019,  was in fact a feeling of grace, feeling of being held, feeling that all will be ok as JOY holds you in her sweet embrace ?

Joy never leaves you.  NOT EVEN ON THOSE DARK DAYS.  Joy is woven into the light of your beingness.  When you are hurt, grieving, angry, or even in the darkest states of despair, joy holds you & guides you to find a way through.  In fact, that first crack of giving up control enables JOY to shine a light of healing, a ray of hope, a vision of potential.  A KNOWING this too shall pass.  A profound experience of JOY even during those moments of intense pain.

So with that in mind, lets now dive deep to understand the energy of 2020, a Universal 4 Year.

2020 – Number 4 – The Tetrahedron

2020 is set to be one extraordinary year.  Now I don’t mean that in a fairy-flossy sort of way… or to lead you to believe that everything will be rainbows & roses 24/7… cause 2020 will most likely be far from any of that!     However the year 2020 will be one of the most pivotal years so far in this 21st Century!

We are 20 years into this century AND 20 years away from 2040 and the dawning of a new world era (refer to my book Shealla-Dreaming).  And 2020 marks the beginning of a whole new decade.

2020 under the 4 Vibration is set to be a year of dedicated work.  Becoming serious about the plan for your life, what you devote your time, energy, resources, your big’ol heart to!   This year is about COMMITMENT, resourcefulness, applying yourself to your heartfelt devotions, choosing to be BRAVE & determined to build solid foundations that support the grandest version of yourself.   The questioning, struggle, grief, falling apart, reclaiming of soul fragments, deepest sorrow, and uprising to all that you know yourself to be in your heart over the last couple of decades has been preparing you for this time – this step into the next 20 years toward a Universal Humanity.

2019 embodied the Holy Trinity – putting your Body, Mind & Soul – the power of 3 into your day-to-day life.  To embrace JOY by finding balance within these 3 aspects of life – Past, Present & Future;  Sun, Moon & Earth;  Life, Death & Re-birth.

Now in 2020, this Holy Trinity will not only be felt, but will be anchored deep within the physical world through the 4 Vibration.   To explain this, take a look at the animated diagram below.  

Through the trinity (a triangle), can be seen the 3 aspects of beingness     1. Galactic Centre (Spirit)    2. Sirius (Divine Masculine)   3. Pleiades/Alcyone (Divine Feminine).  In Aetheric Healing™, I share how this Sacred Trinity is present within us (not separate to us).   Through the Power of the Sacred Number 3 & the Divine within us, we can access God/Universal Intelligence in order to understand ourselves deeply,  transform subconscious beliefs surrounding success, health, relationships and self-worth/love and ultimately supports our flourishing through balance our Masculine/Feminine selves through the Unified Field of LOVE.  WOW… that is me, you… that is US !

However, when a triangle becomes infused with the 4 Vibration energy, its form shapeshifts dimensions, it takes the form of a TETRAHEDRON, with the 4th point of the Tetrahedron representing EARTH.   Another way of expressing this is that the synergy of 3 transforms our physical experience here on Earth.  The bridge between the physical & spiritual worlds comes into being through the number 4.

This is EXACTLY what happens every year during the Galactic Alignment… now during 2020 we are going to be under this influence for all 366 days!


In Sacred Geometry (refer Crystal Light Healing® Level III), the Tetrahedron represents the FIRE ELEMENT.   We express Fire through our Solar (Sun) Plexus, and it drives our passions, ignites the flame of courage, & propels us into action in the direction of our dreams.   In Essence of Angels®, Archangel Michael is the sacred keeper of the Tetrahedron through the Solar Plexus – gifting us the tenacity to believe in ourselves, know we are worthy, & have the fire in our bellies to realise our greater potential.

I find it interesting then, as we are about to embark on a 4 Vibration year of the Tetrahedron Fire, that Fire is an element that we are all experiencing in excess at this present time.  Be it through the warming of our planet, the Amazonian fires, the Volcanic eruption in New Zealand or even here in Australia (like many other parts of the world) the extensive fires burning up and down the east coast, as well as other parts of our continent.

Since the number 4 is the bridge between the physical & spiritual worlds… could the fires around us be provoking us to BUILD BRIDGES between the dualities of our modern day world.   Humanity seems so focussed on taking a side, blaming others for the problems of today, or indignantly believing in one side being right and the other side being wrong.  This separation, this war of viewpoints, this duality leads to friction, raised tempers, firenado-demeanors, a burning of self-righteous anger within our bellies. Isn’t this separateness what put us all in this position in the first place ?

What if we let go of ‘sides’, and instead built bridges that embodied WE/US… could this then bring balance or harmony not only to our inner firey-rage, but also to the fire of the planet ?  What if we heal our burning hearts that long for connection & interbeing – could this quelling offer a cool wave of healing to our planet.  Could our daily acts of love, tenderness & caring toward all humanity (even the people we don’t understand or necessarily agree with) ripple out waves of enduring healing & hold the key toward the cosmic shift of a New Earth 2040?

And on one final Tetrahedron note…  the element Carbon is the building block for life on Earth… and it valency is 4.  That is, Carbons atoms form a tetrahedron and because of this structure, carbon under pressure creates DIAMONDS.    Maybe the pressure we are experiencing during our transformational ReLOVEution of Earth, is our awakening to our Diamond light selves ?


The Number 4 in Words

To help foster a greater clarity of the energetic significance of a Universal 4 year, let me share more about the number 4, in particular words that vibrate to the number 4 in numerology.

If you know anything about numerology, you may associate the number 4 with Karma.  A number of hardwork, discipline, not taking shortcuts, and being prepared to stick to the plan in order to materialise your inner-vision.  Whilst all of this is true, there is a much much deeper & very rich reason behind all of this… and this helps us in embracing how very POWERFUL a Universal 4 year can be.

All of the following words in numerology vibrate to the number 4:

  • Potential
  • Awakening
  • Connection
  • Universal
  • Archangel Raphael
  • Consciousness
  • Angels

All of these words gift us potent insight into the depth of transformative change through the number 4.   This year is about getting out of the pseudo-spiritual marketing hype of ‘visualise that you want a red Ferrari and it will appear’ type of click-bait, and instead direct you into structuring your life in service of your sacred purpose, whilst also in greater service to the evolution of life itself.   It’s about igniting your action plan of the HOW, WHEN & WHY’s you do what you do… AND actually doing it!   There will be a crazy amount of planning, but also a gargantuan flow of ACTION.  2020 will be the year of your devotion, the year of infusing godliness in sacred activism.

All of us have the POTENTIAL within ourselves to be cosmic instigators of divine change.  When we step outside of the story of separation during 2020, and embody CONNECTION, our personal & collective AWAKENING will be the accelerant that materialises a UNIVERSAL Humanity toward 2040.

The term 20/20 vision is used by optometrists to express visual acuity, the clarity & sharpness of our vision.  So how interesting, that ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL (refer to Essence of Angels®) is the sacred weaver of the Third-Eye and gifts us clear inner-vision, intuitive insights & ‘seeing’ beyond the realm of the physical through the gateway of higher consciousness.   In sacred art, the tetrahedron is often represented as the symbol of the Third Eye, with the central region of the tetrahedron denoting the Pineal Gland, the seat of the Soul (refer Crystal Light Healing® Level III and Crystal Light Healing® Sacred Ancient Wisdom).   And 2020 certainly heralds a time of deepest insight and transcendance into an awakened CONSCIOUSNESS.

In numerology, the word ANGELS vibrate to the Master Number 22, which further reduces to the Number 4.  For me this symbolises that even through the turmoil that may lay ahead in 2020 (see my upcoming article on Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter), there is a force greater than us offering a guiding hand toward a cosmic destiny.  ANGELS are ever present from the inside out… 2020 is the the year to ‘see the 22  within everything‘ and through 20/20 vision discover Angelic guidance toward a world more beautiful.


The Number 4 in everyday life

We can also learn so much more about the Number 4 and what we will experience during a 2020 Universal 4 year, when we observe how the Number 4 is ever-present in our everyday lives.  In fact the Number 4 exemplifies the structure of the Divine within our physical world, and also influences our stories, our dreamtime, our connection with Divinity here on Earth.

  • The 4 Elements – Earth, Fire, Air, Water
  • The 4 States of Matter – Solid, Plasma, Gas, Liquid
  • The 4 Seasons – Winter, Summer, Spring, Autumn
  • The 4 Directions
  • The 4 Winds
  • The 4 Points of the cross
  • The 4 Gospels
  • The 4 Rivers of the Garden of Eden (flowing joy, pleasure, into the 4 corners/elements of our physical world)
  • The 4 Noble Truths in Buddhism
  • The Tetragrammaton is the four-letter hebrew name of God
  • The 4 Corners of the World / 4 Points of a Compass
  • The 4 Freedoms – Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • The 4 terrestrial (or rocky) planets in the Solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
  • The 4 giant gas/ice planets in the Solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
  • The 4 Chambers of our physical Heart
  • Our 4 Fingers + Thumb
  • Our 4 Blood Groups – A, B, O, AB
  • Our 4 Wisdom Teeth
  • The 4 phases of the Moon – New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, Third Quarter
  • The 4 in-between phases of the Moon – Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous, Waning Crescent
  • The 4 Humors Homeopathy/Hippocratic – blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm
  • The 4 Limbs of the Human Body
  • Over 95% of the Human Body is made up of only 4 Elements – Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon & Nitrogen.  And if you took away the Gases, the elemental make up of the human body is 84% Carbon.  Yep, we are diamonds in the rough!

As you can see, the number 4 has a way of bringing spirit into physical reality.  Energy into form.  The mystical into grounded wisdom.  I love that !


The Number 4 in Cosmogenesis – Lightrition

In 2020, I am working with the energy of our 4 Vibration year in my NEW Online Learning Course Lightrition your Life.    This work is an infusion of decades of research, personal experience, intuitive insights & sacred wisdoms of the HOW, WHAT, WHERE & WHY of the human experience of Soul.

Reflecting upon the Cosmogenesis Template of Lightrition (see the image below), the number 4 forms the basis of the structure of our course & acts as the bridge between our physical experience and the expansive cosmos.

How we Lightrition ourselves, nourish ourselves in symbiotic resonance with natures cycles happens through the following sets of ‘4’  Cosmogenetic Principles:

  • The 4 Directions / Primary Elements – Earth, Fire, Air, Water
  • The 4 Wisdom Realms – Lunar Realm, Solar Realm, Crystal Realm, Mineral Realm
  • The 4 Experiential Realms – Imaginal Realm, Sonal Realm, Anima Realm, Botanica Realm

To be honest, I hadn’t planned on 2020, a Universal 4 Year, being the year that I would release a new Course that has its very foundations built upon the number 4... so how about that for sacred guidance & synchronicity !

And in alignment with what the energy of the Number 4 is all about, my new Lightrition your Life Course seeks to help you build solid foundations for your life that not only transform your experience of 2020 but also seek to build the framework of your personal cosmogenetic transformation over the next decade 2020 -2030  as well as flourish your/our cosmogenetic metamorphosis as we step into a Universal Humanity in 2040.

If you are really ready to leave behind the struggle of the decade of old, and step into a new decade of heightened potential then Lightrition your Life is the course for you.   Together, through CONNECTION we will rock a higher CONSCIOUSNESS and awaken our lives in service to the sacred, in service to all we know ourselves to be in our hearts.

Lightrition is about life reclamation.  A profound transformation of every area of your life – from the food you eat, how you sleep and nourishing/healing your body through Light.   The building of new ways to feel, act, work, play and even make love in service of a world more beautiful.  By the end of 2020, in service to the greater POTENTIAL of the number 4, Lightrition your Life will change the way you experience every aspect of living, emboldening yourself to radiantly thrive in sacred resonance with the Earth.

LIGHTRITION will guide you in staying true to who you are, what you feel you a capable of, and will be the catalyst of embodying this wisdom with much Grace & Ease in your life.


Number 4 & the 13 Sacred Keys

Another way to awaken or deeply integrate your connection with the powerful potential of a Universal 4 year is by reflecting on the The 13 Sacred Keys –  a map of Creation that supports our journey of awakening, transformation & spiritual enlightenment.  I share the 13 Sacred Keys in my book Shealla-Dreaming as well as my Crystal Light Healing® Sacred Ancient Wisdom online course.

Sacred Key Number 4 is The Law of Action.  That is exactly what a Universal 4 Year is all about, knowing & embodying the art of Sacred Action – an intuitive knowing of when to be still (a sacred action unto itself) and when to move in actional flow with the universe.   Whilst a Universal 4 year is all about work, the plan and committing yourself by putting one step in front of the other in the direction of your goals… through the Sacred Key #4, she reminds us that this does NOT mean working in the old, outdated patriarchal way.

To understand this in greater depth, Sacred Key #13 also resonates to the number 4 (ie 1+3)… and this key is the Law of Love.    So your work, your relationships, your finances, your health, in fact every area of your of your life during this 4 Vibration year will be a product of the foundation of LOVE that you infuse through all you do.

Selfcare, loving you, sacred space, meditation, working inflow are your GUIDES in this 4 year of sacred foundational actions.  Gone are the days of ‘busting your gut for the man’, or the heaviness of working 16+ hour days with little time to form the deep connections in your life that foster the greatest meaning of a life well lived.  

This 4 Vibration Year is about SHIFTING the structures of your life in the direction of your Heart, in the Lightness of LOVE (a 4 letter word) of what you believe is sacred & worth devoting your life into flourishing.  THAT is the beauty & power of a Universal 4 Year.


Tarot Card #4 – The Emperor

Turning to the wisdom of the Tarot, we can embrace an even deeper side of the potential of our Universal 4 Year. 

The Emperor is the 4th Major Arcana Card of the Tarot. The energetic symbolism behind The Emperor archetype awakens our consciousness to both the energy & potential to be birthed during 2020.

Our 2019 Universal 3 Year was ruled by The Empress (the 3rd card of the Tarot) representing the Divine Mother, the Earth Goddess, the creative power of the Feminine.  And now in 2020, as we move to the 4th card of the Tarot, The Emperor represents the Divine Masculine, sitting upon the throne of wisdom & the power of fierce grace.

Looking deep within the card, the symbolism helps us to understand more about the energy of 2020, and the greater mechaninations of our experience of a Universal 4 year.    The Emperor with his long white beard, adorned in red robes, sits upright upon a throne of stone that is embellised with rams heads.  He wears a crown crested with a cross, in his left hand he holds an orb and in his right hand an ankh sceptre.   Behind him lay mountains at the height of his Solar Plexus & Heart, and a stream flows along the Earth, in alignment with his feet.

The Emperor represents power, strength, authority, knowledge, all tempered through wisdom (the white long beard).   He has experienced first had the destructive nature of war (rams on his stone throne represent Aries, which is ruled by Mars the God of War), and he has witnessed (maybe even partaken in the past) the bloodshed of misused power born of fear (the red of this robes, representing the Base Chakra, survival).   

The sceptre in his right hand, with the ankh at its peak represents the Golden Crown Diamond, the awakening of the Pineal Gland to a higher consciousness.  The all-knowing masculine laws of creation, indicated by the right hand.

The orb in his left hand, represents the yearning to be in right relationship (left hand, female, intuition, collaboration, nurturing, connection) with the Earth and the dance of life, the sacred Music of the Spheres through the essence of the Feminine.

Through The Emperors Spiritual wisdom of his Crown adorned with a Cross (the holy number 4),  his devotion is owning his power as force of good.  To uphold the strength of the Sacred Masculine & to revere (& integrate) the mystical wisdom of the Sacred Feminine.  Acknowledging that when these 2 Archetypes are in harmonic balance, together they can move mountains.   If you count The Fool card of the tarot (denoted as ‘0’) as the first card, then in fact The Empress would then be the 4th card of the Tarot.  I do love how there are so many ways to view the one truth… that in fact Masculine & Feminine truly are ONE.

The watery stream of feeling in the card is a narrow stream,  there is still much work to be done in embodying authentic equality of the Masculine & Feminine… and The Emperor is still wearing his suit of armor in fear of the battle scars of past hurts.  But with feet firmly embedded in the stones enduring wisdom of Earth… and his Eyes firmly fixed on being the change within the present… the foundations are set for a new way of being to emerge.

Notice that the mountains in the background are bare.  The Emperor represents a paring back to minimalism, a return to right relationship with power & our footprint upon the Earth.   A need to tear down the facades of unchecked econonomic growth, overconsumption, disregard of the gifts the Earth provides us for our survival.

The Emperor card to me is so reflective of the 3 major Astrological Events happening during 2020.  The breaking down of the old patriarchial ways, the ‘outing’ of those that abuse power, the crumbling of financial markets as they seek self healing, and the correction of inflated wealth that lie within the hands of a few. 

Interestingly, as I type this blog, I just noticed that the number 4 on my keyboard is also the key of the ‘$’ sign.   YES, the structured nature of 4 compels us to dive deep into what we value.  To discover the real enduring meaning of wealth (the things that money cannot buy), and what it means to freely live within an abundant universe.

I will be writing more about the crumbling & transformation of systems as the year 2020 progresses… but essentially 3 powerful celestial cycles come to an end in 2020 and a new vision of Earth will be birthed:

  • January 2020 – Saturn & Pluto conjunct in Capricorn , initiating a new 30+ year cycle
  • April, June & November 2020 – Jupiter & Pluto conjunct in Capricorn, initiating a new 12 year cycle
  • November & December 2020 – Jupiter & Saturn moving closer & closer together in the later degrees of Capricorn during November & finally conjuncting in Aquarius in late December 2020 (Star of Bethlehem), around the time of the 2020 Grand Alignment on the Galactic Plane, initiating a new 20 year cycle toward 2040, as well as a new 200 year cycle through the Air Element.


Challenges of a Universal 4 Year

Every number in numerology has both a light & shadow vibration.   I don’t necessarily deem shadow as being ‘bad’, but rather a polarity that offers opportunities for growth. 

Here are the few of the shadows, or challenges that maybe experienced in a Universal 4 Year:

Overly Conservative/Restrictive – Within a Universal 4 year the cosmos seeks to support you in getting the job done, putting the plans into action, taking one step in front of the other and seeing the plan through to the very end.  However, if the 4 Vibration is embodied in excess, you may find yourself stuck inside 4 walls of your own self-imposed box.  You may try to follow your plan to the letter or restrict yourself to too much detail… rather than be flexible and invite in synchronicity and sacred flow.   Remember your action plan is a GUIDE and not a task master that forces you down a narrow pathway during 2020.   The magick is often found in the empty spaces between the lines of your action plan… remember to allow space for the mystical to roam free!

Seriousness – Well yes, a Number 4 Universal Year is serious business.  It certainly is a get real year, and it will take organisation, prioritisation, determination & resilence to see your action plan take hold in 2020 as you lay the foundation of the decade ahead toward 2030.   You will be taking a good hard look at yourself (just like the The Emperor in the Tarot card above, that stern face) to really ‘see’ yourself, who you are & what you believe in.   But seriousness can be a great quality if you choose to express it that way.  You can be serious, but you can also be free.   You can be responsible, but also allow space for JOY to filter through your devotion.  And you can be conscientious, yet still invite the mystical to the table. 

Feeling Stuck – Our ego often wants things to have happened yesterday.  It’s that frustrating part of our human natures – instant gratification.  Often in a Universal 4 Year things don’t seem to happen straight away so you may at times feel stuck or feel frustrated that change is happening at a snails pace. But take heed, this energy serves our higher selves in so many profound ways.    The 4 is about foundations, building solid structures that endure.  The number 4 doesn’t take shortcuts, or skimp on details.  4 seeks security, dependability & persistence.. such that the end accomplishments or manifestations are more beautiful than what was initially envisioned.    Roadblocks & feelings of being stuck are opportunities to reflect on WHERE AM I PUTTING UP BLOCKS in my life or WHERE AM I STUCK on one belief… could this be an opportunity to broaden my horizons?  Does the holdup with plans invite in lateral thinking & heartfelt intuitive wisdom ?


SUMMARY: What a Universal 4 Year will mean for YOU

The energy of 2020 truly thrusts us into the light of an extraordinary year.  After the last couple of decades of searching, falling apart, grieving & moving through deepest sorrows, this year represents a shift in gears as we make the step into a new decade, a deeply sacred step into the co-creation of Universal Humanity.

Whilst 2019 held within it oodles of vibrant joy through the number 3, it was experienced as rough year for so many as the ‘cracks’ needed to gauged wide open to enable the JOY to shine on through.  For many this process has been painful.  Often the grief has been all consuming.

And now, 2020 begins the process of working with the wounds to create the foundation of a world more beautiful.  2020 is a pivotal point of reflection of the hardships over the past 20 years (2000-2020), whilst also being a catalyst of inspired vision and sacred action toward the next 20 years (2020-2040).   It reminds me of the Japanese art of ‘Kintsugi’, the process of mending broken parts with gold, such that the flaws & imperfections become shimmering highlights that collectively create a more beautiful, stronger & resilient creation than existed prior to the breakages.  That’s us.  That’s 2020.  

Easy is the not the word that comes to mind when I glimpse the energy of the year ahead.  However fulfillment – I just realised FULFILLMENT also resonates to the number 4 in numerology – will foster its own rewarding sweetness during 2020.  There is work to be done.  There are so many broken bits that have lost their way.  There are so many shards that have forgotten they are part of the whole.  And thanks to Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter in 2020, my guess is that many of the pieces are yet to be broken-up in order to transmute excess and reveal a deep authentic & eternal beauty.  The process maybe uncomfortable.  Change can be confronting.  Everything happens for a reason, and there is no challenge that may come our way that doesn’t serve a higher purpose.  2020 is about dedicating your life to flourishing this shift toward a world more beautiful built upon the foundation of Heart values.

The Number 4 will engage us in stepping up and stepping into the arena.  No more playing small, or shirking responsibility to ourselves, each other, or the Earth.   There is only ONE of you in all time and space and YOU are here for a reason.  Our Universal 4 Year is calling all of us to engage in sacred activism.  To work diligently toward our goals, and to smell, taste, touch, feel, and breath the New World into existence through our every thought, word & deed. 

There is work to be done.  
2020 is our get real moment of walking the talk.
Mindfully choosing to be an active emissary of LOVE.




Your Personal Year in Numerology

How you experience the energy of our 2020 Universal 4 Year will be dependent on your own Personal Year in Numerology. Calculate your OWN Personal Year Number and discover your potential opportunities & challenges during 2020.

Your Personal Year Number in Numerology provides a deep insight into the potential themes & life experiences in any calendar year.  Every personal year is part of a 1 through to 9 year cycle, that colours your life with potential opportunities, challenges & gifts of insight.

Reading your unique Personal Year Number in conjunction with our global Universal 4 Year in Numerology provides a deeper understanding of the greater cycles of Earth/Humanity and the influence this may have on your own experiences of your Personal Year.

To calculate your Personal Year Number, simply take your day of birth, add it to your month of birth and add it to the current year – adding all the individual digits together.  If the sum of these digits comes to a double digit (eg 34), then add these digits together to reduce the number to a single digit (eg 3 + 4 = 7).

For example, I am born on the 27 November (11th month), thus in numerological terms,  in 2020 I am in a Personal ‘6’ Year:   2 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 24    and   2 + 4 = 6 Personal Year

Once you have calculated your Personal Year Number, then please read the applicable Personal Year write up below to understand more about this current cycle within your life and how you can work with this energy consciously throughout 2020.

Keywords: New Beginnings, Rebirth, Start of a New Cycle
This year represents new beginnings as you step into a whole new 9 year cycle of growth and evolution. You feel vital, enthusiastic and motivated as you set new goals and visions for this new cycle of your life. You have gained much wisdom from the previous cycle and you now have the choice to put this wisdom into practice in this next cycle. A Personal 1 year is not just about setting the foundations for this whole new cycle but it is also about taking action and physically planting the seeds in order to birth opportunities over the next 9 years.

Keywords: Patience, Decisions, Rhythm
A Personal 2 year is about relationships, alliances and making choices. After all that enthusiasm of your Personal 1 year, you may find a Personal 2 year frustrating as it can appear from the outside to be fraught with delays, obstacles and much waiting ! After ‘planting the seed’ in Year 1 it started to bear roots and create foundations, then in Year 2 the ‘seed starts to grow’ with the shoot breaking into ‘2’ and sprouting leaves. Suddenly you are in a position to begin to see the physical expression of your Personal Year 1 choices – and hence is a year of reflection and understanding ‘what will it take to make this 9 year plant grow’. You may have to adjust your visions, meet new people to aid you in your goals, network with like minded souls or even make changes in yourself… this is a year of choice and the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

Keywords: Fun, Joy, Celebrating Wins
As the saying goes ‘all good things come in 3’s’… thus in a Personal 3 year you will begin to see some ‘wins’ in your life as all that envisioning in Year 1 and then choices you made in Year 2 will begin to pay off in Year 3. In a Personal 3 year you will have that air of confidence that can make you alluring to others, thus things may tend to fall into your lap this year – be it in business, relationships or your finances. However, be aware not to say ‘YES’ to everything, as you may end the year on burnout or overload. Use your charm this year to delegate and free up time to play and celebrate the wins… and if you can ‘bank’ all of that ‘gold finger’ energy, as you may need it in the next year.

Responsibility, Karma, Hard Work
How you choose to align with this year will determine whether you will experience a year of Grace & Ease or find a Personal 4 year to be the year from hell !!! A personal 4 year is your time to make good on all your commitments from your Personal 3 year and take responsibility by walking your talk. It is an opportunity to reflect on your patterns and how these maybe molded from old beliefs, opinions of others or possibly even playing out stories of past lives. This is a year of ‘growing up’, being prepared to break the cycles of old and all that is not working and make fresh decisions from a place of higher purpose and highest soul potential. This is a ‘roll your sleeves up’ type of year and getting down to work… how committed are you really to your goals that you made in Personal Year 1 ?

Keywords: Freedom, Travel, Adventure… and did I mention FREEDOM !
After all that introverted self-analysis and hard work within your Personal 4 year, you will find that all that dedicated nose to the grindstone stuff has paid off… and in actual fact you may have discovered that the only person waving that big stick is you ! What a discovery to make, that you are actually FREE to make CHOICES about your own life and you are not bound by the thoughts, opinions or beliefs of others. This is a year to put this new found freedom to work and go travelling, make new friends, seek out new adventures and ditch the routine.

Keywords: Lovers, Family, Home, Heart
After expressing all that freedom in your Personal 5 year, you may come to release that there is no place like home… and that home is where the heart is. A Personal 6 year is about blossoming all of your Heart connections… committing to an existing relationship, or ending a stagnant relationship to open the golden door of opportunity for a new relationship to blossom. You may feel guided to spend much more time with family and friends, forgiveness may be a big lesson for you this year. This is a great year to get engaged, married or start a family.. and new friendships made this year will often be for life. You may also be guided to build the heart of your home or business, nesting and being of service to others.

Keywords: Introverted, Mystic, Self-Awareness & Improvement
A Personal 7 year is the opportunity to really self-reflect on yourself as a ‘Soul having a Physical experience’ and to psycho-analyse (ouch, that sounds ominous)… just what that means to you. Who are you on planet Earth ? Does your life add value to the world ? Do you make a difference ? This is a big year of facing some truths, going within and seeking answers to some of the big questions. This is a year to find out how you can be the ‘alchemist’ and manifest your dreams for not only your highest purpose but for the highest good of all. You may be guided this year to spend more time by yourself, travel outside of your local area or even take up a new course of study.

Keywords: ‘As Above, So Below’ & Polarity
In an 8 Personal year everything appears to be magnified… thus what you focus your attention on this year you will receive more of. In an 8 Personal Year you will tend to have that certain je ne sais quoi, that intangible quality that makes you desirable and attractive to others… it is up to you whether you flaunt it or stick you head in the sand and hide it ! When you focus positively on abundance in finances, career & wealth this year… expect returns to flow much more easily this year. But of course, if you go into the poverty stricken ‘woe is me’, well you will truly manifest that reality and have a most woeful year on record. You have the potential of the ‘midas touch’ this year, the world is your oyster should you choose believe in yourself.

Keywords: Completion, Service, End of a Cycle
I personally LOVE a Personal Year 9, as it is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on your 9 year journey, review all of your experiences and wisdoms gained and make decisions on how you will choose to commencing the next year in a new cycle. It is a great year to also share your experiences with others in service, offering pearls of wisdom from your journey. For some, a Personal 9 year can be a little irritating as if the ‘shoes do not fit’ anymore and you just want to make a leap into the next Personal Year 1, as you feel a disconnection with the last 9 year cycle and just want to pursue new aspirations and visions for your life. Breathe, be and rest and recuperate this year… enjoy the fruits of all you efforts from your ‘seed planting’ in the past Year 1, and then take the seeds from your fruits and use these to start your Personal 1 year in the next cycle.  Remember, it is important to tie up all loose ends in a 9 year, reflect and embrace all you have learnt, practice forgiveness and let go of all that is no longer needed in readiness for your subsequent Personal 1 year.

PERSONAL YEAR Master Numbers
Whilst many Numerologists prefer to reduce Personal Year Numbers to a single digit, where the Personal Year Numbers reduce to a ‘Master Number’ (such as 11, 22), I prefer to work with both the Master Number AND then reflect on the reduced Number.

The Master Number amplifies the energy of the individual number, creating a ‘Masterful’ exponential potential.  A Master number can be challenging to work with at times as the energy is commanding, however when harnessed, a Master Number can lead to extraordinary experiences and opportunities in your life.

The reduced Master Number is also important to consider, even though the reduced number dimishes the full potency of the Master Number.  I find that the energy of the reduced Master Number may come into force whereby the gifts inherent within Master Number have not been received. This is not necessarily a negative occurrence, just a weakened experience of a greater potential.

The following short overviews of Master Numbers are extracts from my Aetheric Healing™ eCourse.  

Keywords: The Mystic
Charismatic, Insightful, idealistic, intuitive, inspirational, illuminating, wise, dreamer, seer, spiritually aware, prefer intuition over logic, empathetic.
SHADOW: Lazy, jealous, self-destructive, possessive, obsessive, jealous, egotistical, nervous, moody
GREATER POTENTIAL/GIFTS: Teacher, writer, healer, medium, psychic, artist, musician, philosopher, business thought-leader, innovator

Keywords: The Master Builder
Visionary, inventive, dedicated, forward-thinking, quantum potential, charismatic, creative, intuitive, practical, spiritual values, self-less service.
SHADOW: Controlling, workaholic, lazy, demanding, self-righteous, arrogant, inflexible, awkward, addictions, allergies, rigid
GREATER POTENTIAL/GIFTS: Teacher, writer, healer, medium, psychic, artist, musician, philosopher, business thought-leader, innovator

Whilst the highest Personal Year Master Number could only be the number 22, I have include the following additional Masters Numbers for your general interest 🙂

Keywords: The Master Teacher/Healer
Creative, joyful, intuitive, compassionate, healing, loving, nurturing, uplifting, raising consciousness, service to the world.
SHADOW: Perfectionistic, bossy, self-critical, interfering, over-achieving, people pleasing
GREATER POTENTIAL/GIFTS: Teacher, writer, healer, medium, psychic, artist, musician, philosopher, business thought-leader, innovator.

The Master Visionary – Alchemist
Creative, intuitive, disciplined, controlled (emotions & nerves), tenacity, lateral-thinkers, problem solvers, healers, stillness, presence.
SHADOW: Destruction, ego-maniacs with success/wealth/material, psychotic, mental disorders, abuse of power
GREATER POTENTIAL/GIFTS: Visionary, Inventor, innovator, doctor/healer, transcendant mystic/psychic.



Lightrition your Life

Ready to make the most of 2020 ?
Inviting you to join me for my NEW Online Learning LIGHTRITION your LIFE Course.

Lightrition is about life reclamation. Putting your life back in sync with natures medicine, leading to radical healing & a deep sense of inner-peace & sacred purpose.

Lightrition will change the way you experience every aspect of your life, emboldening yourself to radiantly thrive in sacred resonance with the Earth.

Make 2020, the beginning of a new decade, the start of a whole new way of being – body, mind & soul.

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