Australia has entered into 4 separate agreements for the supply of COVID-19 vaccines – Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Novavax & COVAX Facility Vaccine. Australia’s Vaccine rollout begins 22 February 2021 with the Pfizer Vaccine. Followed by the AstraZeneca rollout to the majority of the Australian population commencing in March 2021. Please refer to the Graphic & Links at the bottom of this page for the full rollout strategy.
Update 13 May 2021 – Moderna announces 25 million doses of their COVID-19 vaccine for Australia. Moderna said it would submit an application “shortly” for regulatory approval from Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
The Australian TGA (Therapeutic Goods Association) has granted provisional temporary (2 year) approval for the use of the Pfizer Vaccine & AstraZeneca Vaccine for EMERGENCY use only. This means that the Vaccines are approved for emergency use even though clinical trials have NOT been completed & the vaccine is not officially approved. Phase III Pfizer trials are due for completion in January 2023, and Phase III AstraZeneca trials in February 2023.
UPDATE 18 March 2021: In a candid response to a statutory information request, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has officially disclosed a lack of defined safety thresholds in the event of severe deaths or adverse events occurring to Australians after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination.
As I discussed in my recent Article – Doctors, Govts & BigPharma are in direct violation of The Nuremberg Code of 1947 by signing up Humanity to a Global Clinical Trial. How many adverse events from COVID mass-jabbing are too many? Don’t believe this is a Global Clinical Trial? Here is a video of our Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt confirming just that! And regarding his comment on Safety, view our Reported Adverse Events Data Pages (links below) for the range of Health Adverse Events including DEATH from the COVID Vaccine.
Interestingly, Greg Hunt just had a direct experience of the health risks of this GLOBAL Experiment Clinical Trial. Greg had the AstraZeneca Vax on March 7, and was admitted to hospital on March 9 with bacterial cellulitis. Looking at the UK Adverse Events Data, Cellulitis as at the 24 Feb 2021 had been experienced by 104 people after the AstraZeneca Vax, and resulted in 1 death.
It will take 3-4 months before the Australian Population will know about Vaccine Adverse Events from the Pfizer & AstraZeneca Vaccines, as there is at least a 3 month reporting delay on DAEN, (I have discussed this further down the page). Hence, I recommend looking at the UK Data on Pfizer & AstraZeneca in the interim.
With the Australian Government having granted full immunity of liability against any claim of loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the manufacture, distribution, administration, or use of medical countermeasures, including COVID-19 vaccines – AND with a LONG historical correlation of Adverse Events from Vaccines, including more recently the COVID Vacc, what then keeps the ‘morality & ethics in check’ of BigPharma choosing safe vaccines over profit ?
Before reading below, I highly recommend watching this Video of World renowned experts (physicians, scientists, lawyers, activists etc.) discussing the many unanswered questions regarding the safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccine. And also consider reading this article on the censorship of intelligent & critical discussion of Vaccines & Government responses. And the AVN (Australian Vaccination-Risk Network) has put together a comprehensive summary of COVID – discussing what the Virus is, Symptoms, Testing, Vaccines & Adverse Reactions.
We will update this page each week with Adverse Reactions to COVID19 Vaccines [Australia] + additional information regarding your rights re informed consent & medical coercion. For details on each individual COVID Vaccine, please see our individual Vaccine Pages..
Are Conversations About COVID Vaccines Fracturing Your Family? Here’s What You Need to Know.
READ: The Reason I say NO to the Masks & the Experimental Vaccine
How to Report an Adverse Event
Please let your family, friends, work colleagues know that if they experience an Adverse Event from a COVID Vaccine, they can report Adverse Vaccine Event themselves. I recommend reporting on THREE different locations as detailed below.
1. NON-Government Website – Vax Tracker
2. NON-Government Website – CovidMedicalNetwork
3. Australian Government Website
LATEST NEWS – Adverse Events & Deaths
26 May – 2021 – AUSSIE AUSCHWITZ ?
Health Impact News – This is perhaps the most horrifying story we’ve covered on this blog, and that’s saying something. But it should not come as a surprise as Australia is fast-becoming the epicenter for blatant genocide related to these experimental shots.
A 74-year-old man is dead after Australia doctors literally watched him suffer and die without intervening. Mr. William Clive Haddon received the experimental AstraZeneca viral vector shot on or around May 1 & experienced severe abdominal pain and had blood clots in his urine on May 13. Doctors dismissed his condition as a simple urinary tract infection, gave him antibiotics and sent him home. Mr. Haddon continued bleeding and suffering for the next 24 hours. And on May 15, Doctors removed blood clots from his urinary tract, meaning it was blocked completely and he was enduring excruciating pain. Doctors refused to give him pain medication. No test were performed to determine the cause of the bleeding, he was then only given what amounts to Tylenol. When Mr. Haddon asked when tests would be done, the nurse, according to Michelle, said “don’t cause any trouble” and that he’d be tested “maybe tomorrow, maybe Monday, who knows, it’s the weekend. Michelle told the nurse that her father received the AstraZeneca shot a few weeks prior. The nurse shrugged it off and said she had the shot too and nothing was wrong with her. The hospital ordered Michelle and Mr. Haddon’s wife to leave because visiting hours were over. Mr. Haddon suffered a stroke at Lyell McEwin thereafter, but received no treatment until hours later. He continued bleeding profusely and enduring excruciating pain. Mr. Haddon was transferred yet again to Royal Adelaide Hospital. Doctors discovered more blood clots in his brain and performed emergency surgery that uncovered brain damage from the stroke. But the surgery failed to clear the blood clots and improve his condition. Michelle again told the nurses that her father received the AstraZeneca shot. They, again, shrugged it off as nothing. Mr. Haddon was moved to the intensive care unit on Monday, May 17, placed on a ventilator, died on May 20/21.
We also just wrote about 18-year-old Ellie Peacock. The Queensland woman literally had to beg medical personnel to test her for blood clots after her AstraZeneca shot. Fortunately she survived what is apparently, to put it mildly, substandard government healthcare in Aussieland.
Further, it is literally illegal for Queensland doctors to prescribe hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, despite 219 peer-reviewed studies showing its effectiveness as both a treatment and prophylaxis.
Doctors can be sentenced to six months in jail for prescribing the drug. There’s also Professor John Hayball, who Sky News called a “leading South Australian immunologist.” He told Australians to take the shots and “don’t ask any questions really, please take it.”
Read the full article at The COVID Blog.
May 28, 2021 – More Deaths Reported After J&J, AstraZeneca Vaccines, Plus Researchers Link AstraZeneca to Strokes in Young Adults
The AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccines came under scrutiny again this week as more reports of deaths — largely due to blood clot disorders — surfaced in Belgium, Canada and Greece, [& Australia] and a new report linked the AstraZeneca vaccine to strokes in young adults.
May 27, 2021 – Nine cases of blood clots related to vaccines reported this week
Nine instances of blood clots and low blood platelets have been reported nationwide in connection with the AstraZeneca vaccine in the past week, the Therapeutical Goods Administration (TGA) has announced. Please note that the TGA has not yet released the raw data of all Adverse Events, Australian Citizens are relying in the TGA to drip-feed them with information. Are the numbers much bigger ?
Update August 2021
The information being released by the Australian Government regarding Adverse Events & Deaths is questionable to say the least! I feel it is farcicle to continue to report the statistics here… instead you can check the updates yourself on the TGA website.
Sharing this great overview Video of Stats here in Australia, and in support of this video please check out my own Stats that I have compiled from published data.
AEFI – 22 Feb to 1 July 2021
Source: TGA Website – AEFI
TOTAL Vaccine Adverse Reactions: 33,807
TOTAL Deaths post Vaccine: 335
AEFI – 22 Feb to 23 May 2021
Source: TGA Website – AEFI
TOTAL Vaccine Adverse Reactions: 22,031
TOTAL Vaccines Deaths: 210 (109 Pfizer, 94 AstraZeneca, 7 Unspecified)
93% Vaccine Deaths over 65 years of Age
75% Vaccine Deaths were 75 Years of Age
To 23 May 2021, 3.6 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given in Australia. In this period, the TGA has received 210 reports of deaths following immunisation – 109 have been reported for the Pfizer vaccine, 94 for the AstraZeneca vaccine and seven where the vaccine was not specified. Most of these reports (93%) were for people 65 years of age and over, and over three quarters were 75 years of age and over. Many of the deaths relate to elderly aged-care residents.
The TGA (our drug regulator) is looking at referring shares like the image above to the police, as they believe it is not appropriate for people to share published TGA Stats & question the truth. I share to foster a wider conversation about WHY it is essential for people to make their own health choices free from Medical Coercion. Particularly considering our Australian Govt is trying to make the jab as ‘mandatory as possible’.
AEFI – 22 Feb to 2 May 2021
Source: TGA Website – AEFI
The TGA is no longer providing detailed listing of the following categories ???
You can read a summary of data for May 2, 2021 here.
- Anaphylaxis (?? reports)
- Bleeding Disorder (?? reports)
- Facial weakness (?? reports)
- Seizure (?? reports)
- Cardiac Event (?? reports)
- Loss of sense or taste (?? reports)
AusVax Safety Data – as at 25 April 2021
Source: AusVaxSafety
AEFI – 22 Feb to 25 April 2021
Source: TGA Website – AEFI
Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine – Adverse Events
- Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, Fatigue, Injection site reaction
- Anaphylaxis (52 reports)
- Bleeding Disorder (27 reports)
- Facial weakness (11 reports)
- Seizure (13 reports)
- Cardiac Event (5 reports)
- Loss of sense or taste (9 reports)
AstraZeneca (CHAdOx1-s) – Adverse Events
- Fever, Chills, MusclePain, Fatigue, Headache
- Anaphylaxis (59 reports)
- Bleeding Disorder (97 reports)
- Seizure (27 reports)
- Cardiac Event (15 reports)
- Loss of sense or taste (12 reports)
- Low Platelets (12 reports)
- Facial weakness (10 reports)
- Liver Injury (4 reports)
- Guillian-Barre Syndrome (1 report)
AusVax Safety Data – as at 18 April 2021
Source: AusVaxSafety
AEFI – 22 Feb to 21 April 2021
Source: TGA Website – AEFI
Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine – Adverse Events
- Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, Fatigue, Injection site reaction
- Anaphylaxis (45 reports)
- Bleeding Disorder (15 reports)
- Facial weakness (10 reports)
- Seizure (10 reports)
- Cardiac Event (3 reports)
- Loss of sense or taste (7 reports)
AstraZeneca (CHAdOx1-s) – Adverse Events
- Fever, Chills, MusclePain, Fatigue, Headache
- Anaphylaxis (48 reports)
- Bleeding Disorder (47 reports)
- Seizure (19 reports)
- Loss of sense or taste (10 reports)
- Facial weakness (4 reports)
- Liver Injury (3 reports)
AusVax Safety Data – as at 11 April 2021
Source: AusVaxSafety
AEFI – 22 Feb to 14 April 2021
Source: TGA Website – AEFI
Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine – Adverse Events
- Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, Fatigue, Injection site reaction
- Anaphylaxis (39 reports)
- Bleeding Disorder (11 reports)
- Facial weakness (6 reports)
- Seizure (7 reports)
- Cardiac Event (3 reports)
- Loss of sense or taste (2 reports)
- Liver Injury (1 report)
- Muscle damage (1 report)
AstraZeneca (CHAdOx1-s) – Adverse Events
- Fever, Chills, MusclePain, Fatigue, Headache
- Anaphylaxis (30 reports)
- Bleeding Disorder (11 reports)
- Seizure (12 reports)
- Loss of sense or taste (6 reports)
- Facial weakness (2 report)
- Rare skin rash (1 report)
AusVax Safety Data – as at 4 April 2021
Source: AusVaxSafety
AEFI – 22 Feb to 7 April 2021
Source: TGA Website – AEFI
Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine – Adverse Events
- Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, Fatigue, Injection site reaction
- Anaphylaxis (33 reports)
- Bleeding Disorder (7 reports)
- Facial weakness (6 reports)
- Seizure (6 reports)
- Cardiac Event (2 reports)
- Loss of sense of taste (2 reports)
AstraZeneca (CHAdOx1-s) – Adverse Events
- Fever, Chills, MusclePain, Fatigue, Headache
- Anaphylaxis (22 reports)
- Seizure (6 reports)
- Loss of sense of taste (5 reports)
- Bleeding Disorder (2 reports)
- Facial weakness (1 report)
- Joint Infection (1 report)
AusVax Safety Data – to 28 March 2021
Source: AusVaxSafety
AEFI – 22 Feb to 31 March 2021
Source: TGA Website – AEFI
Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine – Adverse Events
- Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, Fatigue, Injection site reaction
- Anaphylaxis (18 reports)
- Facial weakness (5 reports)
- Seizure (5 reports)
- Stroke (2 reports)
- Pulmonary embolism (1 report)
- Deep vein thrombosis (1 reports)
- Loss of sense of taste (1 report)
AstraZeneca (CHAdOx1-s) – Adverse Events
- Fever, Chills, MusclePain, Fatigue, Headache
- Anaphylaxis (9 reports)
- Seizure (2 reports)
- Loss of sense of taste (1 report)
AEFI – 22 Feb to 24 March 2021
Source: TGA Website
Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine – Adverse Events
An investigation has been launched by the Therapeutic Goods Administration after two residents at a Port Macquarie aged care home developed pneumonia and died on March 13, 3 days after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
- Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, Fatigue, Injection site reaction
- Anaphylaxis (13 reports)
- Facial weakness (5 reports)
- Seizure (2 reports)
- Stroke (2 reports)
- Deep vein thrombosis (1 report)
AstraZeneca (CHAdOx1-s) – Adverse Events
- Fever, Chills, MusclePain, Fatigue, Headache
- Loss of sense of taste (1 report)
AEFI – 22 Feb to 17 March 2021
Source: TGA Website
Adverse events of special interest reported for the Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine were:
- Anaphylaxis (6 reports)
- Facial weakness (3 reports)
- Seizure (1 report)
- Stroke (1 report)
AEFI – 22 Feb to 7 March 2021
Source: TGA Website
Adverse events of special interest reported for the Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine were:
- Stroke (1 report)
- Facial weakness (1 report)
AEFI – 22 Feb to 28 February 2021
Please also note that on the 5 March 2021, a Gold Coast Health worker was placed in intensive care after an anaphylatic reaction following the Pfizer vaccine. Anaphylaxis has been identified as a possible side effect from Pfizer Vaccination, particular as it contains PEG (polyethylene glycol) an known dangerous ingredient in vaccines. I envisage this will be detailed in REPORT #2 up to 7 March 2021.
Source: TGA Website
Regular Updates
May 28, 2021 – More Deaths Reported After J&J, AstraZeneca Vaccines, Plus Researchers Link AstraZeneca to Strokes in Young Adults
The AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccines came under scrutiny again this week as more reports of deaths — largely due to blood clot disorders — surfaced in Belgium, Canada and Greece, [& Australia] and a new report linked the AstraZeneca vaccine to strokes in young adults.
May 27, 2021 – Nine cases of blood clots related to vaccines reported this week
Nine instances of blood clots and low blood platelets have been reported nationwide in connection with the AstraZeneca vaccine in the past week, the Therapeutical Goods Administration (TGA) has announced. Please note that the TGA has not yet released the raw data of all Adverse Events, Australian Citizens are relying in the TGA to drip-feed them with information. Are the numbers much bigger ?
May 26, 2021 – US vaccine maker Moderna pushes ahead with setting up shop in Australia
The Nasdaq-listed biotech made the surprise announcement earlier this month that it would sell 25 million doses of its messenger-RNA coronavirus vaccine to Australia and said it was in talks with the government about local manufacturing opportunities.
May 18, 2021 – Children, teens and COVID vaccines: where is the evidence at, and when will kids in Australia be eligible?
Authorisation of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for adolescents in North America signals vaccination programs will extend to children. Although there are no licensed COVID-19 vaccines for use in this age group in Australia at this stage, we anticipate applications to the TGA in the coming months.
May 14, 2021
COVID-19 vaccine mRNA technology ‘critical’
But experts say Australia’s manufacturing investment too late
May 13, 2021 – More frequent side-effects reported mixing Pfizer and AstraZeneca Covid jabs
However, UK trial found two doses of the same vaccine triggered less adverse reactions. Meanwhile the CDC says it is ok to get a COVID Vaccine alongside other Vaccines.
May 13, 2021
7 New Bloodclot cases after AstraZeneca Vaccine
The new cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) were revealed in the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report on Thursday.
May 13, 2021
Moderna announces 25 million doses of their COVID-19 vaccine for Australia.
Moderna said it would submit an application “shortly” for regulatory approval from Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). These 25 million doses will be allocated as booster shots. PLUS Moderna is working on a booster shot targeting the particularly virulent Brazilian and South African strains of COVID-19.
May 10, 2021
Australia’s New Vaccine Rollout Targets
May 4, 2021
A Queensland man says he “almost died” after getting the AstraZeneca vaccine in the latest blood clot case authorities are investigating.
65-year-old, of Shute Harbour, said he went into a coma and is still recovering from a stroke caused by a brain bleed. He was rushed to hospital on April 1, five days after receiving the vaccine.
May 4, 2021
Pfizer CEO believes third COVID vaccine dose may be needed between six and 12 months after vaccination
The CEO of Pfizer says the pharmaceutical company’s COVID-19 vaccine recipients will “likely” need a third dose between six to 12 months after full vaccination, followed by an annual shot. Pfizer’s COVID vaccine success is worth an extra $14 billion to the US pharma giant. The company now expects to pull in $US26 billion ($33.6 billion) of income from its COVID-19 vaccine this year, based on contracts signed up to mid-April, up from an earlier estimate of $US15 billion.
May 2, 2021
Australia’s Covid vaccine rollout: everything you should know about the changes
People aged over 50 have been brought forward for vaccination. Here’s what that will mean and whether you can get your jab yet
May 1, 2021
Qld GOVT mandates Check-In app
From 1 May 2021, all Queensland hospitality businesses must use the Check In Qld app when signing in patrons to their premises. Microsoft Azure hosts the back end of the system, and the government says that the app’s data will be stored for 56 days and will only be accessed for contact tracing purposes. Queensland Council for Civil Liberties (QCCL) President Michael Cope said –
The government should introduce specific legislation like that introduced for the Covidsafe app to secure the privacy of Queenslanders in relation to the Check in App data. That legislation should:
1. have a defined end date, which we would suggest be should be 30 September 2021 consistent with other Covid emergency legislation passed by the parliament recently.
2. specify that on that date all data currently held will be deleted.
3. prohibit access by law enforcement to the data, Including by subpoena or warrant.
4. specify that the data is only to be accessed for contract tracing purposes and no other purposes. It must prohibit secondary use or disclosure of the data.
5. specifically task the Privacy Commissioner with oversight of access to the data, including providing regular reports to the relevant Parliamentary committee.
6. not include delegation of the primary legislation or ministerial discretion, particularly relating to the sunset period.
“QCCL strongly opposes the use of information gathered for health purposes for law enforcement or any other additional purpose, the use of the Checkin App should not be made mandatory until this legislation is passed” says Mr. Cope.
April 30, 2021
Evidence does not suggest ‘likely association’ between COVID vaccine and deaths of two men: TGA
While investigations into both deaths are ongoing, the current evidence “doesn’t suggest a likely association”.
April 28, 2021
Australian athletes headed to Tokyo Olympics to be given COVID-19 vaccine
The federal government said the vaccine would be given to around 2,050 people nominated by the Australian Olympic Committee and Paralympics Australia. Australian Olympic chief says COVID-19 vaccine is ‘great relief’ for athletes
April 28, 2021
Expats are getting a COVID vaccine in China. But will Australia accept Sinovac and Sinopharm?
“There’s a strong probability I’m going to end up with double vaccines. And that I would seek health professional advice on.”
April 27, 2021
The prime minister must change course to combat vaccine hesitancy in Australia
Hmmm… Australians need their government to succeed in vaccinating the nation every bit as much as they needed the government to succeed in locking down
April 27, 2021
Fewer than 50% of over-50s willing to get AstraZeneca vaccine – Australia
Just 46% of those over the age of 50 said they were willing to take either the AstraZeneca or the Pfizer vaccine, with 39% saying they were unwilling to take the recommended AstraZeneca jab. Another 14% said they were unsure.
April 27, 2021
Queensland Health staff on COVID front line to be fully vaccinated in two weeks
Health Minister Yvette D’Ath said all staff working with COVID-19 patients would have to be fully vaccinated by May 10, with the directive to be sent to the state’s regional hospital and health services.
April 22, 2021
National cabinet tweaks vaccine rollout, restricts arrivals from India
Those over 50 who are outside groups 1A and 1B will now be able to get an AstraZeneca vaccine at respiratory clinics from May 3 and at GPs from May 17. Arrivals from India will be reduced by a third into Australia and travellers will be forced to take COVID-19 tests before boarding as the country grapples with an escalating COVID-19 outbreak.
April 21, 2021
Australian employers could require some workers to be vaccinated after commission ruling
Employers’ power to direct employees to be vaccinated has received a boost in the Fair Work Commission, which has upheld the sacking of a childcare worker who refused a flu jab.
April 21, 2021
Childcare worker sacked for refusing flu vaccine loses legal appeal
A childcare worker who was sacked for refusing to get vaccinated because she had a “conscientious objection” has lost a legal claim to get her job back.
April 21, 2021
Victorian CHO receives AstraZeneca Jab
Brett Sutton, Victorian Chief Health Officer, receives AstraZeneca experimental vax
April 21, 2021
Family of Italian woman who died after Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine launches legal action
The family of an Italian woman who died weeks after having the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine have told Sky News they are taking legal action to establish whether the jab was to blame. After the Jab on March 11, 55-year-old Augusta Turiaco, from Messina, Sicily, developed a high temperature and a very bad headache, before going for blood tests and ultimately scans that identified blood clots. She fell into a coma on 28 March and died on 30 March – 19 days after having the AstraZeneca injection. The family’s lawyer, Daniela Agnello, told Sky News: “The excellent state of health of Ms Turiaco, the absence of previous pathologies, the very short period of time between the administration of the vaccine, the appearance of the first illnesses and the very serious clinical picture and then death.” The legal proceedings launched by the family are just one of a number of cases across Europe being mounted against AstraZeneca.
April 21, 2021
Brisbane – Australia – Man in Hospital With Blood Clots 3 Days After Pfizer Jab
Nine News has reported that a 40-year-old Brisbane man was rushed to hospital with blood clots three days after he received the Pfizer jab. It’s understood the 40-year-old Police Officer – a frontline worker responsible for patrolling Queensland quarantine hotels – received the Pfizer shot three days ago.
April 21, 2021
Victoria announces $50m to fund mRNA COVID-19 vaccine production in Australia, paving way for Pfizer and Moderna manufacturing
The Victorian government is providing $50 million to “kickstart” domestic manufacturing of mRNA vaccine technology. It will take at least 12 months for any of the vaccines to be made in Australia, acting Premier James Merlino said as he made the announcement.
April 20, 2021
Australians Could Be Treated Like Criminals and Issued Ankle Bracelets to ‘Fight COVID’
A senior government minister refused to rule out Australians being forced to wear electronic ankle bracelets, even if they are fully vaccinated, to make sure they are complying with home quarantine orders.
April 20, 2021
Calls for greater transparency as National Cabinet seeks to reset Australia’s troubled COVID-19 vaccination program
One of the federal government’s advisors on the COVID-19 pandemic has called for more transparency over the vaccine rollout, as national leaders reset Australia’s troubled program.
April 19, 2021
TGA admits minors mistakenly given AstraZeneca vaccine and says woman’s death an ‘atypical case’
More than a dozen teenagers as young as 14 have been given the AstraZeneca jab despite there being no vaccine approved for use in minors in Australia, as the Therapeutic Goods Administration confirmed the same jab was “likely” linked to the death of 48-year-old New South Wales woman Genene Norris.
April 18, 2021
Many countries are now suspending the rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine or limiting it to the older generations. Denmark has ceased giving the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine amid concerns about rare cases of blood clots, the first European country to do so fully. Under-30s in the UK are offered an alternative Covid vaccine to the AstraZeneca jab due to the evidence linking it to rare blood clots.
April 18, 2021
AVN – On a recent podcast from Radio National Breakfast Professor John Shine, President of the Australian Academy of Science calls on the government to establish the manufacture of mRNA vaccines in Australia. They state that Pfizer and Moderna are more effective at addressing variant strains of COVID-19. Our transhuman future awaits us! From the Moderna website: Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.
April 17, 2021
NSW (Australia) woman’s fatal blood clotting likely linked to AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, Therapeutic Goods Administration says.
The TGA met late on Friday afternoon to investigate the link between the inoculation and her death and now says the blood clots in the arteries and veins and low platelet count Ms Norris presented with does indicate a correlation.
April 16, 2021
Scientists Warn Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines May Cause Blood Clots too
The Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca COVID vaccines are under the microscope for their potential to cause blood clots, but scientists warn Pfizer and Moderna vaccines pose similar risks.
April 16, 2021
Pfizer, Moderna & J&J all linked to Blood Clotting Disorders.
Latest VAERS Data Show Reports of Blood Clotting Disorders After All Three Emergency Use Authorization Vaccines
April 15, 2021 – 48 year old woman from the Central Coast, was vaccinated last Friday and developed blood clots within 24 hours, before being put on dialysis. She was placed in an intensive care unit and died yesterday. It’s not yet known whether the woman received the AstraZeneca vaccine – which has been linked to blood clotting in recipients – or the Pfizer vaccine.
April 13, 2021
Australian case of blood clots likely linked to AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination, TGA says
The national medical regulator has concluded a recently reported case of blood clots is likely linked to the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.
April 13, 2021
Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose COVID-19 vaccine won’t be coming to Australia due to AstraZeneca similarities
Johnson & Johnson’s one-dose vaccine will not be part of Australia’s vaccine rollout, at least for now, after the federal government confirmed it would not purchase any doses from the company.
April 12, 2021
Doctors ‘flocking’ to vaccine program, as Greg Hunt says they face no legal risk for giving AstraZeneca jab
For any doctors who may be concerned about being sued if the AstraZeneca vaccine was administered to a younger person, Mr Hunt said vaccine indemnity agreements are already in place.
April 11, 2021
Timetable for COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Scrapped
New timetable to be created. 40 Million doses of Pfizer available by the end of 2021.
April 8, 2021
AstraZeneca blood clot concern sees Australian government name Pfizer as preferred vaccine for adults under 50
Australian health authorities have advised the Pfizer vaccine should be given to Australians aged under 50, amid concerns of rare blood clots potentially linked to the AstraZeneca vaccination.The federal government’s expert medical taskforce met on Thursday to consider the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, following advice from the European Union’s medical regulator that “very rare cases of blood clots” were a side effect in the weeks after the vaccine was administered.The United Kingdom has already decided to offer other vaccines, such as the one produced by Pfizer, to people aged under 30.
April 8, 2021
Australian government reviewing latest UK, Europe AstraZeneca vaccine advice
Australia’s expert medical taskforces are urgently reviewing the latest AstraZeneca advice from Europe and the UK. The European Union’s medical regulator has listed blood clots as a very rare side effect of the AstraZeneca vaccine, while the UK regulator has decided to offer an alternative shot for those aged under 30.
April 7, 2021
23 year old woman, 4 hours after receiving her first dose of the AstraZeneca (experimental) ‘vaccine’, she started to non stop shake and suffer nausea. 10 days later experiencing severe neurological damage/inflammation where her whole body tremors 24/7.
April 7, 2021
Elderly Queensland woman dies hours after receiving Pfizer coronavirus shot
The 82-year-old woman received her shot of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccination around 10am this morning. Emergency services were called less than three hours later, at 1.30pm, to reports the woman was unresponsive.
April 6, 2021
AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots link ‘clear’, says top health official
Marco Cavaler, Chair of the Evaluation Team at European Medicines Agency (EMA) has said that there is a link between AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine and blood clots. “In my opinion, we can say it now, it is clear there is a link with the vaccine”. Cavaleri added that the EMA would say there is a link although the regulator would not likely be in a position this week to give an indication regarding the age of individuals to whom the AstraZeneca shot should be given.
April 2, 2021
HealthCare workers cannot choose their vaccine of choice
An email, sent to all staff at Austin Health last week, reiterates to workers that “you do not get your choice of vaccine”.
April 2, 2021
Man admitted to hospital with blood clots after receiving AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine
A 44-year-old man has been admitted to a hospital in Victoria (Australia) with blood clots, several days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. TGA taking this case very seriously. Yet Victorian hospitals insist AstraZeneca vaccine is safe.
April 1, 2021
UK Refuses to Suspend AstraZeneca COVID Shots as Other Nations Have
95 New Deaths Recorded this Week in the UK Following AZ COVID Shot
March 31, 2021
Canada Does About Face on AstraZeneca Vaccine, Citing Blood Clot Concerns
After previously defending AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine, Canadian health officials on Monday suspended its use in people 55 and under, pending outcome of a detailed risk-benefit analysis.
March 31, 2021
AstraZeneca vaccine suspended for under-60s in two German cities after ‘rare blood clots’
The decision came after the country’s medical regulator announced it had received a total of 31 reports of rare blood clots in recent recipients of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Nine of the people died, and all but two of the cases involved women aged 20 to 63, the Paul Ehrlich Institute said. Read More.
March 25, 2021
ATAGI recommends that vaccination with any COVID-19 vaccine should be deferred for people who have a history of the following rare conditions. This is until further information from ongoing investigations in Europe is available and is only a precautionary measure:
- people with a confirmed medical history of CVST; and/or
- people with a confirmed medical history of heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). HIT is an immune-mediated complication of treatment with heparin that affects platelet function. A HIT-like mechanism is being investigated as a potential, but unconfirmed, pathway to CVST post COVID-19 vaccination.
March 25, 2021
2 Men Dead at Senior Care Home following Experimental Pfizer COVID Injections – Australia
An investigation has been launched by the Therapeutic Goods Administration after two residents at a Port Macquarie aged care home developed pneumonia and died within days of getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
March 25, 2021
Surgeon Warns Vaccinating People Infected With COVID Could Cause ‘Avoidable Harm’
Dr. Hooman Noorchashm – People who have already been infected with COVID could be at risk of serious injury, including death if they have the COVID Vaccine. “I think it’s a dramatic error on part of public health officials to try to put this vaccine into a one-size-fits-all paradigm … We’re going to take this problem we have with the COVID-19 pandemic, where a half-percent of the population is susceptible to dying, and compound it by causing totally avoidable harm by vaccinating people who are already infected … the signal is deafening, the people who are having complications or adverse events are the people who have recently or are currently or previously infected [with COVID]. I don’t think we can ignore this.”As The Defender reported earlier this month, Noorchashm believes that a #ScreenB4Vaccine campaign could save millions from vaccine injuries.
March 25, 2021
Why the credibility of AstraZeneca’s vaccine data matters
An independent trial review board says AstraZeenca may have included outdated information about its clinical trial results in a press release. Ultimately, the company will have to present a full set of clinical data to the FDA, and the FDA will conduct a thorough and public review, as it has with the other vaccines.
March 23, 2021
Australian-made AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine approved by Therapeutic Goods Administration
The Therapeutic Goods Administration on Tuesday approved the release of the first four batches of the vaccine manufactured by CSL-Seqirus in Melbourne – a total of 832,200 doses.
March 22, 2021
New Research Points to Link Between AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots
Researchers in Norway and Germany say they’ve identified antibodies that provoke immune reactions leading to the type of cerebral blood clots experienced by some people who received AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine. The German team, led by professor Andreas Greinacher, said in a statement that AstraZeneca’s vaccine may, in some cases, prompt overactivation of platelets in the blood, which can lead to potentially deadly clots. As NPR reported, Greinacher said it’s similar to what happens with a condition called heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.
March 18, 2021
EU Regulators: AstraZeneca Vaccine ‘May’ Cause Blood Clots, But Still ‘Safe and Effective’
The European Medicines Agency said today the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID vaccine “may be associated with very rare cases of blood clots,” but the vaccine is “safe and effective” and countries should continue to use it.
March 18, 2021
AstraZeneca & Cellulitis
After Australia’s Health Minister was diagnosed with bacterial cellulitis after his vax, and the official government announcement was it had NOTHING to do with the Vax, IMOP created the following Press Release. It has been widely reported that Minister Hunt has been diagnosed with cellulitis, however a possible connection with his vaccination has been quickly dismissed by the media. Post-vaccination neutropenia [2] is well documented, and neutropenia predisposes one to cellulitis [3], so to summarily dismiss the link between Mr Hunt’s symptoms and the vaccination he received is not justified. In pre-licensure clinical trials [4], transient haematological changes from baseline (neutropenia) were observed in 46% of participants in the AstraZeneca vaccine group compared with 7% in the MenACWY vaccine group.
March 17, 2021
Four reactions to AstraZeneca vaccine in Queensland leads to new warning
Four alarming reactions to the coronavirus vaccine in the past 48 hours have led health authorities to adjust the jab rollout.
March 17, 2021
European medical regulator backs AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine as Sweden and Latvia pause use
The benefits continue to outweigh the risks
March 16, 2021
20+ Countries Suspend Use of AstraZeneca Vaccine, But Regulators Insist ‘Benefits Outweigh Risks’
WHO and the EMA are investigating reports of blood clot-related injuries and deaths after the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, but both say there’s no reason to stop using the vaccines. Australia today (17 March) is ramping up it’s rollout into Stage 1B.
March 16, 2021
Overview of Blood Clots & AstraZeneca Vaccine
Discussion Article & Links to resources including reported Blood Clot Adverse Events PLUS Australian Governments response to AstraZeneca Suspension.
March 15, 2021
Germany, Italy, France and Spain suspend AstraZeneca vaccine rollout amid blood clot concerns
The European Union’s four largest nations have suspended the use of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine after reports in some European countries of serious side effects in recipients. Germany, Italy and France announced they would be pausing their rollout of the vaccine pending an assessment from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which is meeting on Thursday, March 18. Spain suspended the use of the vaccine for at least two weeks. Cyprus and Slovenia also announced they would be putting use of the vaccine on hold until after the EMA meeting. France has suspended but hoped could resume “if the EMA gives the green light”. Denmark and Norway stopped giving the shot last week after reporting isolated cases of bleeding, blood clots and a low platelet count. Iceland and Bulgaria followed suit before Ireland and the Netherlands announced suspensions on Sunday. Austria and Spain have stopped using particular batches and prosecutors in the northern Italian region of Piedmont earlier seized 393,600 doses following the death of a man hours after he was vaccinated. Piedmont was the second Italian region to do so after Sicily, where two people died shortly after having their shots.
March 14, 2021
Federal government adjusts phase 1b coronavirus vaccination rollout to include more Aboriginal Australians
All remote and very remote residents [inclusive of both the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and the non-Indigenous population] over the age of 18 will be considered a priority group, due to logistical requirements.
March 12, 2021
Australian Doctor trying to bring solutions to patients to support immunity now faces economic ruin as he won’t conform to fast-food industrialisation of Modern Medicine.
March 12, 2021
Australia joins US, India and Japan in ‘unprecedented’ deal for coronavirus vaccines after historic Quad meeting The vaccine project will at first involve funding by the US, manufacturing of the Johnson & Johnson shot by India and Japan and help with logistics by Australia. Australia’s contribution is valued at about $100 million, mainly concentrated around “last mile” distribution in South-East Asia.
March 12, 2021
Denmark, Norway, Iceland suspend AstraZeneca COVID shots after blood clot reports
Health authorities in Denmark, Norway and Iceland say they have temporarily suspended the use of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine after reports of the formation of blood clots in some who have been vaccinated.Austria earlier stopped using a batch of AstraZeneca shots while investigating a death from coagulation disorders and an illness from a pulmonary embolism.Still, the European medicine regulator EMA said the vaccine’s benefits outweighed its risks and could continue to be administered. See Article – Denmark, Austria, Norway, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Iceland and Italy have all reportedly stopped their plans to use the AstraZeneca vaccine. Italian health authorities have ordered the withdrawal of a batch of AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine following the deaths of two men in Sicily who had recently been inoculated – Stefano Paterno, a 43-year-old navy officer, and Davide Villa, a 50-year-old policeman, who had both received shots from AstraZeneca’s ABV2856 batch.
March 12, 2021
WHO Says No Reason to Stop Using AstraZeneca Jab
The World Health Organization said Friday there was no reason to stop using AstraZeneca‘s COVID-19 vaccine after several countries suspended the rollout over blood clot fears.
March 10, 2021 Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt was admitted to hospital 2 days after the AstraZeneca Vaccine with bacterial cellulitis. Looking that UK Adverse Events Data, Cellulitis as at the 24 Feb 2021 had been experienced by 104 people after the AstraZeneca Vax, and resulted in 1 death.
8 March 2021 – Medical Racism. There is growing evidence that the risk of Adverse Events (watch Episode 16) is higher in people of dark skin. Yet Australia is pushing hard to vaccinate our First Nations peoples. WITHOUT full informed consent that this vaccines is STILL under Stage III trials, and there are reported higher adverse events in those with dark skin. This is what Bill & Melinda had to say about it.
8 March 2021 – Two Queensland hubs to administer COVID-19 vaccines from Monday, March 8. Hubs of Bundaberg and Logan to open 8 march and priority to frontline workers in hotel quarantine and our healthcare workers.
8 March 2021 – Data Collection when you get vaccinated – Where you were born and what languages you speak will be recorded both when you get a COVID-19 vaccine, or if you test positive to the virus.
6 March 2021 – First LOCALLY made AstraZeneca to roll out from March 22, 2021.
5 March 2021 – Gold Coast Health Worker Anaphylactic Reaction after Pfizer Vaccine – Health worker in intensive care after an anaphylatic reaction following the Pfizer vaccine today. Anaphylaxis has been identified as a possible side effect from Pfizer Vaccination, particular as it contains PEG (polyethylene glycol) an known dangerous ingredient in vaccines.
4 March 2021 – SA to lead the nation with AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccination. Australia’s rollout of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine will begin on Friday March 5, with the first doses to be administered in South Australia.
3 & 4 March 2021 – NSW authorities considering vaccine passport. A vaccine passport-style plan for New South Wales residents which may prohibit a person from entering a venue if they have refused a COVID-19 jab. Premier Gladys Berejiklian has voiced her interest in a possible COVID-19 vaccine passport for New South Wales residents – saying it may not be possible for the state to move forward until the majority of the population is vaccinated. Tourism industry ‘all for’ a digital vaccine passport if it keeps borders open
28 February 2021 – First shipment of AstraZeneca has arrived in Australia – 300,000 doses. The federal government says it hopes the new vaccine will be going into people’s arms from Monday, March 8, 2021.
26 February 2021 – Ethics Clinical Trials in Children. Estimated that Vaccine Pfizer & AstraZeneca will be approved by TGA for children in October & November 2021.
26 February 2021 – Another Vaccine bungle as 120 does of Pfizer Vaccine had to thrown out after a possible storage error in a Melbourne nursing home. And GP Clinics across Qlds Gold Coast have received approval to administer the AstraZeneca Vax.
24 February 2021 – Two residents in Brisbane aged care facility given four times the amount of COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine. An 88-year-old man and a 94-year-old woman were given the doses yesterday [my heart is with these two elders of our society]. “On further investigation, Healthcare Australia has now advised the doctor had not completed the required training,” he told the House of Representatives. And on the 25 Feb it was announced that Healthcare Australia which had hired the doctor had falsified responses to the government over his training.
23 February 2021 – Kathy Scarborough from Vaccination SA educates media on mRNA Vax. Listen to the audio replay as Kathy joins 5AA radio Adelaide in a brilliant discussion about mRNA shots, the alarming rate of adverse reactions to these injections worldwide, and South Australia’s rally against coercive COVID vaccines. This is part of the trial. This is a very new vaccine. This is a brand new technology using messenger RNA never used in the human population before.
23 February, 2021 – COVID-19 vaccines account for a staggering 70% of the annual vaccine deaths [in the United States]. When you look at vaccine-related deaths between January 2020 and January 2021, you find that COVID-19 vaccines account for a staggering 70% of the annual vaccine deaths, and that’s while having been available for less than two months.
22 February 2021 – AHPPC to review mandatory vaccines in aged care. Whether some workers will be forced to receive COVID-19 vaccines remains ‘an open matter’, a Morrison government minister says.
19 February 2021 – Shops, cafes allowed to make COVID vaccination a condition of entry. The Safe Work advice says it is unlikely that work health and safety laws require companies to ask their customers and visitors for proof of vaccination. “However, you might still want to require this as a condition of entry to your premises,” the advice said. “Before you take action to impose this kind of requirement, you should seek advice as there may be privacy and discrimination issues that apply.” In the UK (22 Feb 2021) Boris Johnson has ordered a review into whether “Covid-status certification [passport]” should be used to speed up the end of lockdown – Pubs could be off-limits to anyone without Covid jabs.
18 February 2021 – WHO Approves AstraZeneca Vaccine for Emergency Use, But Some Nations Say NO THANKS.
18 February 2021 – The federal government has announced all COVID-19 immunisations will be logged on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR), forming a vaccine certificate which all Australian citizens and visa holders will be able to access. And with the first vaccines to be administered on Monday 22 Feb, the government has urged Australians to link their myGov and Medicare accounts. Refer my posts on Digital ID.
16 February 2021 – The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has granted provisional approval to AstraZeneca Pty Ltd for its COVID-19 vaccine, making it the second COVID-19 vaccine to receive regulatory approval in Australia.
16 February 2021 – The Aboriginal health service tasked with delivering at least 26,000 COVID-19 vaccines
15 February 2021 – Australia’s Covid vaccine rollout to begin next Monday 22nd Feb as first Pfizer shipment arrives.
14 February 2021 – Is COVID19 a Pandemic of Disease or is it a Pandemic of PCR Testing?
7 February 2021 – Australians are likely to be told by their GP when it is their turn to get the COVID-19 vaccine and will receive an emailed vaccine certificate after receiving the jab, as more details of Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout are revealed.
7 February 2021 – Australians will carry ‘proof of vaccination’ certificates with them on their smartphone or as hard copies under plans being finalised by the federal government ahead of the scheduled rollout of the coronavirus vaccine.
4 February 2021 – The Australian Government has secured an additional 10 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID 19 vaccine on the advice of the Scientific Industry Technical Advisory Group on Vaccines led by Professor Brendan Murphy.
25 January 2021 – The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has granted provisional approval to Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd for its COVID-19 vaccine, COMIRNATY, making it the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive regulatory approval in Australia.
22 January 2021 – Australian Medical Doctors will receive between $65 and $74.90 for each fully vaccinated patient. Financial incentives, Medical Coercian ?
21 January 2021 – Dr Brian Hooker discusses the AstraZeneca Vaccine & its contents – Chimpanzee Virus, Aborted Foetal Cells & GMOs
Ethics & Morality
The two major COVID Vaccines being rolled-out in Australia in 2021 are Pfizer & AstraZeneca.
AstraZeneca has a long history of illegal practices, having paid out over $1.1 Billion USD in fines due to criminal violations – such as fraudulently marketing unapproved drugs to elderly & children, paying kickbacks to Doctors to market unapproved drugs, false claims as to actions of drugs, corrupting clinical trials & designing clinical trials to support the marketing of drugs, not declaring financial incentives to FDA panel members (who approve drugs) and not to mention lawsuits filed by patients due to drug injury etc. Federal Government is urging AstraZeneca (through CSL) to incorporate mRNA technology in future drugs.
Pfizer has been an habitual offender of illegal practices, having paid out over $4.7 Billion USD in fines due to criminal violations – such as fraudulently doctoring trial results/illegal trials on children, knowingly administering medications to groups (such as children & elderly) without approval, fraudulent marketing campaigns, selling of defective medications etc.
Sharing an Australian Video giving insight into the practices of Pfizer.
Conflicts of Interest
There are a myriad of Conflicts of Interest in Australian Vaccination Policies. Conflicts of interest SHOULD BE permanently disclosed in all government websites and literature, PLUS ALL specialists and institutions who have a financial conflict of interest, should refrain from the promotion of vaccination, advice to government or involvement in vaccination policy formulation.
Please view the extensive Conflicts of Interest here.
Australia’s plan for vaccinating Teachers, Uni Students & Children
Please see our NEW Post page for Vaccinating our Youth, to keep up-to-date with developments.
Your Legal Rights
In this video, Sue Grey LLB(Hons), BSc, RSHDipPHI and specialist in emerging issues shares her thoughts and perspectives on the experimental Co-vax, body sovereignty, informed consent and your legal rights.
Hope this helps you in making an INFORMED CHOICE free from Medical Coercion.
People for Safe Vaccines
If you are an advocate of Freedom of Health Choice, I recommend the Australian Website People for Safe Vaccines.
People for Safe Vaccines are a not-for-profit company that promote and encourage safe development, supply and use of human vaccines, educate and raise public awareness in relation to vaccine safety and efficacy and take legal action to promote positive vaccine safety outcomes.
Vaccination Roll-out Plan
The Australian COVID-19 Vaccination program will commence in late-February / early-March 2020.
The Government is seeking that ‘priority’ populations including aged care, disability residents & workers, frontline healthcare workers, and quarantine & border workers will be vaccinated first – Phase 1a & 1b – most likely with Pfizer Vaccine.
The Government is then seeking the remainder of the population will be vaccinated over Phases 2a, 2b & 3 – most likely AstraZeneca Vaccine.
Read the FULL National Rollout Strategy pdf
Read the CHO Vaccine Rollout pdf
April 11, 2021 – The Timetable for COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Scrapped
New timetable to be created. 40 Million doses of Pfizer available by the end of 2021.