During our February Full Moon in Leo we also have a Lunar Eclipse PLUS the Sun & Moon are part of a rare Pentagram (5 pointed star) formation.
Please keep reading down the page where I share with you the following:
- General Meaning of the Energy of Full Moons
- Energy of our February 10/11, Full Moon
- Energy of our Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
- Energy of our Full Moon Pentagram + Galactic Centre Conjunction
- FREE GIFT – Lunar Eclipse Meditation (Available NOW – see further down the page)
What a HUGE energetic week (in fact the next few weeks)…. sharing with you how to make the most of these powerful celestial events ☆
The mid-point of our 29 day lunar cycle is marked by the Full Moon. During a Full Moon, the Moon is sitting opposite the Sun and is fully illuminated as it reflects the light of the Sun.
The Moon & the Sun emanate frequencies and these energy waves influence the tides, and all life forms on Earth, including human behaviour & consciousness. In addition, during a Full Moon, both the Moon & Sun are opposing each other on opposite sides of the zodiac… which can make for a challenging or intense aspect of energy but also a very potent potential as the Lunar & Solar (yin & yang) are in natural harmonic balance.
The SUN represents our ‘outer-world’, our identify, our personality, our ego. It represents how we ‘shine our light’ out into the world, the present moment, our yang or masculine archetype expression. The Sun offers us strength, courage and illuminated insight of the Soul.
The MOON represents our ‘inner world’, our hidden emotions, desires, our shadow-self, fears/worries and our dreams. It represents our feelings, our unconscious beliefs, the past and our yin or feminine goddess archetype. The Moon offers us the ability to feel, learn from the past and creatively unlock and express our essence.
ENERGY: Full Moon – February 10/11
Full Moon in LEO & Sun in AQUARIUS
(22.280 Leo – 22.280Aquarius)
Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Sun – now, Identity, consciousness, self-esteem, expression
Leo (Fire) – Leader, affectionate, generous, outgoing, stubborn, authoritative
Aquarius (Air) – Humanitarian, determined, individualistic, rebellious, independant
Friday, 10 February 2017 – 4:32 pm PST (USA/Canada)
Friday, 10 February 2017 – 7:32 pm EST (USA/Canada)
Saturday, 11 February 2017 – 00:32 am UTC
Saturday, 11 February 2017 – 10:32 am AEST (Australia)
Saturday, 11 February 2017 – 11:32 am AEDT (Australia)
Saturday, 11 February 2017 – 01:32 pm NZDT (New Zealand)
View times in your City/Country>
During the LEO Full Moon, the moon is reflecting the light of the SUN in Aquarius.
LEO is a fire sign (and is ruled by the Sun) and when the Moon is in LEO we are guided to connect deeply into our Hearts and unearth our passions. What creatively inspires you and brings you the greatest emotional fulfillment ?
As this LEO Moon reflects the Sun in Aquarius, we are drawn to see how our gifts, our passions, our inner-light of creativity and self-expression can make a difference in the lives of others. How can the uniqueness that is YOU make a difference in the world ?
There is no mistake that you came to planet Earth, and there is no mistake that you are on Earth to witness a huge shift in conscious… so don’t sit on the sidelines, be an active part of the birthing of a new Earth (you may like to check out my ‘Sacred Wealth‘ article for more info).
Each and everyone of us are an integral golden strand in the web-of-life and our LEO Full Moon is offering us the opportunity to move deeply within, really OWN that fact and have the lion-hearted courage to live your life in alignment with a world more beautiful that each and everyone of us knows is possible.
The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse AND the Pentagram + Galactic Centre alignment and pushing you to step into your truth… keep reading on for a more detailed insight.
ENERGY: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
During this February 2017 Full Moon, we also have a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.
A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Moon is full and the Earth blocks the Suns rays from partially/fully reaching the Moon, thus the Moon is cast within the Earth’s shadow.
A Lunar Eclipse provides a quantum opportunity to release deep-seated wounds, move beyond old fears and to transcend negative patterns or traits within the shadow self. It is time to ECLIPSE anything that maybe holding you back.
I know 2016 was HUGE for many people (see my Article on Cherishing 2016-2017 and also my Article sharing some of my Enlightened Vision 2016-2017)…. so if you had any unfinished business OR you have been a bit slow in getting into this Universal 1 Year of new beginnings in 2017, well this Lunar Eclipse is your opportunity to take that leap of faith and get a move on !
I read this quote this morning and as synchronicity would have it I feel it resonates deeply as it relates to this coming weekends Lunar Eclipse:
“Before you can live anything, in what you are calling physical manifestation—you have to have conjured it in vibrational form. You have to have imagined it before it can become a reality” ~ Abraham-Hicks
I invite you to consider during this weeks Lunar Eclipse to deeply reflect on where in your life you are putting you energy and the feelings/thoughts/emotions behind that energy. Are you caught in the divisive anger/separation of this word (eg politics) or are you holding a greater vision of what you know is possible through your heart ? Where in YOU can you identify anger, hurt, fear, separation…. and most importantly what can YOU do this Lunar Eclipse to change the narrative within… which ultimately changes the story of our world ?
This Lunar Eclipse will be a GET REAL moment for many. The world needs you at this time to hold a greater vision and through kindness, compassion and reverence for one another come together in heart-space to be the change. What will it take for YOU to step up on this Lunar Eclipse and be this change ?
During this Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the Eclipse visual effect on the moon is very feint, as the Moon is in the penumbral shadow of the Earth. Our February 2017 Lunar Eclipse will be visible in Europe, much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic & Antarctica (unfortunately it is not visible here in Australia).
To find out the visibility and times of the Lunar Eclipse in your city of the world Click Here >
Lunar Eclipse | UTC Time |
AEST Time |
Eclipse Begins | 11 Feb 2017 at 10:34 PM | 11 Feb 2017 at 8:34 AM |
Maximum Eclipse | 11 Feb 2017 at 00:44 AM | 11 Feb 2017 at 10:44 AM |
Eclipse Ends | 11 Feb 2017 at 2:54 AM | 11 Feb 2017 at 12:44 PM |
Please also visit SLOOH.com where you can watch a LIVE broadcast of the Lunar Eclipse from anywhere in the world !
Here is an animation showing what our September 16/17 Lunar Eclipse will look like (from those cities where it is visible).
Read my article on Lunar & Solar Eclipses to find out more >
ENERGY: Full Moon Pentagram + Galactic Centre
Something quite magical takes place during our February Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – where 5 Celestial Bodies in the sky form a Pentagram (5 pointed star) and 4 of those Celestial Bodies form a Golden Rectangle AND ‘Saturn’ point of the Pentagram ‘Conjunct’ with the Galactic Centre AND
The GIF below shows the placement of the Galactic Centre, Planets, Sun & Moon during our Lunar Eclipse and the creation of the Pentagram & the Golden Rectangle.
To wrap your mind around what this all means, lets first start with understanding what a PENTAGRAM represents, then look at the energy of the GALACTIC CENTRE, to then finally look at what our February Full Moon PENTAGRAM + GALACTIC CENTRE placement means for each of us energetically !
This Pentagram formation occurs due to the following 5 Celestial Bodies at the same degree (close to the same degree) but in different signs of the zodiac:
Sun – 22.280 Aquarius
Moon – 22.280 Leo
Uranus – 21.280 Aries
Jupiter – 23.060 Libra
Saturn – 25.280 Sagittarius
Thus in forming a Pentagram, the above 5 Celestial Bodies are approximately 720 apart (720 x 5 = 3600 circle).
In addition, you can also draw a sacred rectangle if you connect up the Sun, Jupiter, Moon & Uranus – referred to in astrology as a mystical rectangle, or in Crystal Light Healing® a Golden Rectangle.
Click on the diagram right to enlarge.
From this Golden Rectangle created by the planetary alignment, a ‘Fibonacci Spiral’ (golden mean spiral) comes to life – which is a mathematical representation of the Fibonacci sequence of numbers.
The Fibonacci Spiral represents the infinite expansion & contraction of the Great Cosmic Breath. In our world, the Fibonacci Spiral (& hence Fibonacci number sequence) forms the basis of our architecture, music, economics and the aesthetics of art. On a sub-atomic level, the particles that make up an atom move in the rhythmic cycles of the Fibonaccis Spiral, human DNA twists in a Fibonnaci Spiral, our Chakras ‘spin’ in a Fibonacci Spiral, plants grow, flowers bloom and water flows in a Fibonacci Spiral. And on a macro level our Milky Way Galaxy’s Spiral arms hold the blueprint of the Fibonacci Spiral.
Please take a moment to view the following 5 images below (that was just a funny coincidence by the way, I didn’t choose 5 images on purpose) – taken from my Aetheric Healing™ eCourse. As you can see through the ‘Principle of 5’ and its relationship to the Pentagram… the Pentagram is one darn amazing symbol !
Whilst I am on a role with the Pentagram, this beautiful 5 pointed star brings to life the Dodecahedron & the Stellated Dodecahedron (click on the two images below) – ultimately linking the Pentagram to the entire field of Creation – the field of OmAhOm. You may wish to read my Article on Double Merkabah Body of Light & the Pentagram for a more detailed insight.
As can be seen on the diagram to the right (click on the diagram right to enlarge) Saturn at 25.280 Sagittarius is conjunct (close to the same degree) the Galactic Centre (the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy) at 27.050 Sagittarius (less than 2 degrees apart).
WOW… I am lost for words… so again I will say WOW !!!
The Galactic Centre is the central black/white hole of our Milky Way Galaxy – or as I refer to in Crystal Light Healing, the 8th Dimensional Portal of the Cosmic Gateway (Cosmic Heart), that is a mirror reflection of the 1st Dimensional Portal of the Earth Gateway (Earths Heart).
The Galactic Centre is a powerful transmitter of energy waves known as ‘Waves of Love’. Since 1987, the vibrational frequency of these Waves have been increasing in intensity and will continue to do so as we move toward 2040, the Golden Age. These Waves of Love are facilitating a shift in consciousness; an evolutionary leap for humanity into a new Earth; an awakening of humanity from the dream and into a multi-dimensional reality.
The Galactic Centre was Conjunct our Sun on the 18 December 2016, drawing us to step into our Greater Evolutionary Purpose.
So what does this February 2017 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse ‘Pentagram / Golden Rectangle + Galactic Centre‘ alignment mean for us energetically ?
WOW… once again I am lost for words… I am naturally clairsentient by nature so the feeling inside of me is so very huge I am trying to keep focus and find the words to explain the feeling….
During this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse / Pentagram / Golden Rectangle / Galactic Centre alignment we are being placed in a choice point of profound potential. We have the opportunity to take our lives ‘outside of the box of the old story of Earth’ (the way we think, our thoughts, our actions) and align with a greater truth through our Hearts.
We have the opportunity to be a pioneer, original, inventive and align with the ‘Field of Infinite Intelligence’ (through the Pentagram, Golden Rectangle & Fibonacci Spiral) to find solutions to our problems from a greater level of consciousness. The answers are there in front of us, but it is our limited beliefs & fears that are holding us back from stepping into and being the change.
These celestial alignments are catalysts of miracles & magick, but it is up to us to do our part individually. During this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse step into your Heart, simply LOVE what the Eclipse is illuminating within your shadow self and choose an awakened story of self in joyful service. The Universe will then ripple (Fibonacci Spiral) out your sacred intentions and change the fabric of reality in harmonic alignment with your Heart & Soul.
There is of course a polarity to this months Full Moon…
As I discussed above, what you focus upon (your thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions) is being substantially amplified during this Full Moon. Those that are choosing to focus on division (being caught in the ‘us’ & ‘them’), being enraged by being a victim, stepping into anger or violence, or separating themselves from the ‘other side’ are only adding to the problems we are faced with at this time. Perceiving the ‘other side’ as being not as evolved as you (ie you perceive yourself as being ‘spiritually’ superior)… ultimately is not doing anyone any favours. In fact you are actually building an even greater divide and being an active part of creating an ‘external war’ within the world by being ‘at war’ within yourself.
As this powerful Full Moon Eclipse will amplify aspects of the human psyche, yes I feel there is huge potential for the amplification of horrendous acts of violence, divisive (and downright hurtful) speech and merciless actions by many. The shadow is coming to the fore, it is being unearthed, the veil will be lifted.
But rather than step into an indignant ‘WTF is going on’ mentality on this Full Moon Eclipse, we have a major choice point this weekend (and in fact over the next 2 weeks in the lead up to the Solar Eclipse on the 26 February 2017), to step out of the chaos and work with the Pentagram in the direction of the Galactic Centre. As we align with the Galactic Centre on this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, we have the opportunity to see, feel, be, take action in alignment with a heart based solution (Saturn will help us clear our karma of the past and take responsibility in the present moment). Together we can evolve into a new story of the Earth, a story that our hearts know is possible.
Reflecting a little more on the Pentagram… Venus weaves a beautiful Pentagram every 8 years due to her ‘conjunctions’ with Earth every 584 days. (Image: Nick Anthony Fiorenza )
Venus is the archetypal divine feminine, the nurturer, the feminine weaver of the threads of the fabric of life… woven through our hearts. Step into what you would LOVE to be woven into the field this Full Moon Eclipse, from a place of peaceful choice… not from the old story of defiant rebellion.
Uranus in Aries – conjunct Jupiter in Libra (within the Pentagram) may push your buttons on injustice and what you consider to be fair & equitable, but your continued separation is not going to create change.
Instead channel the greater vision of the divine feminine ‘Venus Pentagram’ to be the change (Venus is in Aries this month & will amplify your passion). Allow LOVE to show you what to do. That doesn’t mean not standing up for what you believe in, not marching in support of human rights, or giving a voice to those that are unable to speak up. But rather choosing ‘Sacred Activism’ that seeks to include, that is not caught within fighting an old system, but rather creating a new system through the collective heart.
Refer to my ‘The Soul of Wealth‘ program if you would like to walk with me during 2017, and be the change through our Hearts.
This is an amazing month for us all energetically/celestially… and I feel this will continue as the year evolves. My suggestion would be to simply cherish you, rather than be reactive to the pain of the field in the moment ask yourself ‘what would love do?’… and allow the answers to guide you in being the change.
Lunar Eclipse Meditation ☆
To help you work with the energy of our Lunar Eclipse, I have created a short audio meditation to help you embrace the full potential of this powerful portal.
I highly recommend you take some time out for yourself at this eclipse to go within, feel and be the deep wisdom of Creation that exists within you and transcend any thoughts, emotions or actions not in alignment with your most cherished and ancient way of beingness.
Listen/Download my Lunar Eclipse Meditation >
(Running Time – 21 Minutes)
I recommend diving deep into this Meditation many times over the 2 week window of Lunar Eclipse to Solar eclipse (10 Feb to 26 Feb).
Please note that during the above Meditation that I recorded this morning (10 Feb), my darling dog ‘Shikaylah’ (pictured right) sat by my feet the whole time and feel into a deep sleep. Once I moved into the part of the meditation where I guided you in reflecting deeply on what you wished to ‘eclipse’ in your life and then asked you to surrender and let go (at around the 14 minute mark of the meditation)… my beautiful Shikaylah went into a prolific dream state and started snoring & then whimpering and letting go herself in very deep (& noisy) ways. So please do excuse the sounds in the background… I believe this all happened for a reason and her heart space of ‘letting go’ is supporting you all on your own journeys of healing.
Earth’s Magnetic Polar Shift ☆
We currently sit on the threshold of a full Magnetic Pole Shift of Planet Earth. I believe that Celestial Alignments (like that 10/11 February 2016 Full Moon Pentagram conjunct the Galactic Centre) is one of many many catalysts in shifting Earth in to a Quantum Leap in Consciousness through our Hearts.
Please take a moment to read my article on Earth’s Pole Reversal to understand more about Earths cycles and how you can be an active participant in creating a beautiful new world.
xx Simone